What energies should I be embracing today? — A Three Card Tarot Reading

Jason Almirez-Taglianetti
Tarot Journeys
Published in
5 min readMar 15, 2023
Photo by Riccardo Annandale on Unsplash

Welcome friends. I hope you’re having a great week. Let’s look at what we can focus on, embrace, and release for today.

Our first card is the focus card, and it’s The World. This card showed up yesterday in the position of energy to embrace. In my view, I feel now like this concept has moved up a little bit. We spent yesterday focusing on the power of this card, and now it’s become more powerful in us.

The World — A woman wearing only a sash and holding two magical rods. There is the wreath surrounding her along with the red ribbons on the top and bottom of the wreath in the shape of infinity symbols. Four heads in each corner of the card, a Man, an Eagle, a Lion, and a Bull.

In the World card, we see a woman wearing only a sash and holding two magical rods. These are similar to the rod that Magician holds in his card. But here she has two of them. There is the wreath surrounding her, which symbolizes the completion of a cycle, along with the red ribbons on the top and bottom of the wreath in the shape of infinity symbols that again signal the completion of a process. And the Four heads in each corner of the card, Man/Aquarius, Eagle/Scorpio, Lion/Leo, and Bull/Taurus. Each of these indicates the four fixed zodiac signs, another signal to the completion of an astrological cycle. These also represent the four elements in the tarot cards, Fire, Water, Earth, and Air. So if there’s any doubt, this card is about completion. And so the energy we should focus on for today is completion. We either celebrate a completion or bring fulfillment into our life by focusing on this energy. But to be clear, this cycle’s ending is a joyous one. Not something to be mourned or sad about. This card speaks to us about a festive end to a process. Focus on this today.

Our next card is the Seven of Pentacles, our embrace card for today.

This card shows a man in a garden. He has stopped his work to admire something he has grown. A plant he has tended to for a while now. Perhaps he planted this last spring, and now it’s almost ready to be harvested. The pentacles that represent work, finances, and earthly things grow as if they are the fruit of this plant. So this card is telling us to embrace the fruits of our labor. The product of our work. It doesn’t necessarily have to be money here.

Seven of Pentacles — A man in his garden. He has stopped his work to admire something he has grown. A plant he has tended for a while now. Perhaps he planted this last spring, and now it’s almost ready to be harvested.

A product of your work could be the satisfaction of those who use or benefit from your services. If you are a teacher, this may come in the form of a student passing their tests, or if you work in retail, this might show up as customers returning to the store for more of what you sell. Whatever form it takes, embrace the energy of enjoying what you’ve been working for.

The last card that shows up for us today is the card that tells us about energy to release. That card is the Five of Swords.

Five of Swords — A man in the foreground is holding all the swords and has most likely beaten someone. The smile on his face says that he’s enjoyed beating someone and seeing them lose. He’s a dishonorable person.

Just like yesterday’s reading, this card is a great card to have a release card. It shows a man having bested another man. He holds two swords in one hand and another with its tip pointing to the earth. Two more swords lay on the ground, and one man holding his head in the background. Another man walks away.

In this card, we see the end of a fight or argument. The man in the foreground holding all the swords has most likely won. But he’s beaten someone unfairly. Or if it was fair, he’s won in a way that isn’t good for anyone except him. The smile on his face tells me he’s enjoyed beating someone to see them lose. He’s a dishonorable person. And now he holds all the swords.

As a card that shows us what energy to release, this card can be seen in two ways. On the one hand, we have someone who has lost the battle. The person who holds his head and wonders how he lost. He feels dejected. Unsure of how he’ll face his friends or his family. Maybe the loss here is great. And it’s a difficult thing to face. If this sound like your life today, consider letting that go. Your friends and family will always love you regardless of what’s going on in your life. If a few don’t, they’re not your friends. And you are better off not having people like that in your life anyway. You’re worth more than that. Let go of it and know that you are a good person. How do you know this? Because someone else is jealous and wants to know you down to their level. Please don’t give them that satisfaction. Sure, you may have lost this fight, but you are the real winner for standing up and taking on someone who deserves to have to fight for everything they get, while for you, things just come. You acquire good things in the world because you are a good person. Whatever is lost here comes back to you. Let go of the sadness or hurt that comes from this.

This card can also talk to us about past bullies and how they still affect us today. Even decades later. Sometimes they can get into our heads, and we let that tape run on an infinite loop. The thoughts and feelings affect us throughout our lives. This card shows us the bully and the situation unfolding many years ago and asks us to let go of that tape. Pull it out of the player, and rip it out. It doesn’t deserve to be in our heads. That’s like letting someone live in your house rent-free and then letting them pick the tv shows you watch too! Let that go! Release back into the past where it belongs. You are better than that and deserve more.

Thanks for reading today. Sometimes the cards can be tough on us, but sometimes, these are the important messages we need to receive from the cards. I hope that today’s reading helps and inspires you. If it resonates with you, please comment and let me know. I appreciate hearing from my readers. If it didn’t resonate with you today, that’s ok. Consider sharing it with a friend who might enjoy it. Thanks again for reading. Take care of yourself and each other.




Jason Almirez-Taglianetti
Tarot Journeys

Intuitive tarot practitioner and lightworker writing to help people find healing, direction and hope in their daily lives.