What should I focus on, embrace and release today?

A three card tarot reading

Jason Almirez-Taglianetti
Tarot Journeys
4 min readMar 13, 2023


Photo by Grant Ritchie on Unsplash

Welcome friends. I hope you’ve had a restful weekend and are already starting your Monday on a good foot. I started shuffling the cards, and the cards fell out almost before I could set the intention. So that tells me the cards want to give us this message today. In today’s reading, I’m using the three-card spread that shows us what to focus on, embrace, and release. So here we go.

Queen of Pentacles — A queen sits on her throne in a lush garden holding a pentacle in her lap

The card that shows us what we should focus on today is the Queen of Pentacles. Pentacles are all about our earthly things. Our possessions, our work, our finances. Things that only have value in this life. The queen shows string on a throne in a lush garden. She holds a pentacle in her hands. She seems to be admiring it. The queens are about awareness. And she is undoubtedly aware of her possessions and her finances. The queen is also a nurturer and understands the importance of sharing. I feel like this card is telling us to focus on that energy today. Focus on what you have and what you have built. Focus on the money in the bank instead of the money that isn’t. Focus on your job instead of the one you wish to have. Focus on the things you have instead of the things you want. Being that this queen is also a nurturer, be sure to nurture and provide a good place for the things/money/job you have so that they can grow into the things/money/job you want down the road.

Our next card shows us the energy we need to embrace. This card is the Two of Pentacles.

Another pentacle card in the spread tells us that money is a strong energy for us. Usually, when we see two cards of the same suit in a spread, it amplifies the energies that the suit represents. Again pentacles are about work, finances, and our possessions here on earth. In this card, we see a man juggling two pentacles. He appears to dance almost like a street performer or a circus act. The infinity symbol is seen as a ribbon, and he seems to be keeping the pentacles inside that ribbon. Quite literally, he’s juggling his finances, work, and his possessions. But this a happy dance. One that he is exceptionally good at. He seems to be able to keep these two pentacles going around and around forever. And this might be an analogy to our work life. Sometimes it seems that we’re juggling our work, finances, and everything we own. And it feels like it just goes on forever. But this is what we need to embrace today. We should embrace our work and not just do it but excel at it. Being the best we can be at this dance.

Our last card in this spread shows us what to release today. That card is the 5 of cups.

And this is a perfect card to get as a release card. The Five of Cups shows five cups in the foreground. Three are on their side, their contents spilling out, while two more cups stand upright. A person in a dark robe stands among the cups. There is a feeling of sadness from the person. Black is often used as a color of mourning and sorrow. Standing, he faces the spilled cups and turns his back on the upright ones. This is a sign that they are focused on only the negative. They are disregarding the cups that are just fine. If they turned around, they would notice they had two more cups. This card shows us that we should release negative energy today. That we should not let a couple of spilled cups ruin our day. Anytime you feel negative energy throughout the day, turn around and try to see the good. Try to see all that you have instead of that which you don’t.

Thanks for reading today. I hope you enjoyed today’s reading. If you did, please leave a comment and let me know. Also, leave a comment if this reading resonated with you today. If it didn’t, that’s ok. Something tells me you were meant to see it anyway. Consider sharing this message with a friend who might need to hear this message today. Thanks again for reading, and have a great day!




Jason Almirez-Taglianetti
Tarot Journeys

Intuitive tarot practitioner and lightworker writing to help people find healing, guidance, and insights.