What should we embrace today in the wildwood?

Jason Almirez-Taglianetti
Tarot Journeys
Published in
6 min readMar 27, 2023
Photo by kazuend on Unsplash

Welcome friends. I hope you’ve had a great weekend and you’re ready to tackle the day, or if you’ve already started, I hope you’re having a great one.

I’ve had a great weekend full of new ideas and creativity, and I woke up this morning with the most amazing energy flowing through me. I’m pumped and excited to see what today has in store for us. Let’s jump into our reading for today.

I am using the Wildwood tarot today. What I love about this deck is that it goes deep. Fair warning here that this might be a long one. I also love the focus, embrace, and release spread for these readings so we will continue that today. The Five of Stones is our first card showing us what to focus on for the day.

This is an earthy card. Stones represent the element of earth and earthly ideas. Earthly things like money and possessions. Our home, land, our work, and things at work.

This card shows a child sitting by a fire near a small cave. She appears to be using the cave for protection of some kind. We can see in the distance that there is lightning. Perhaps there is a thunderstorm above her, and she’s found this place to protect her. This particular deck adds a thought word to each numbered suit card. Here we have the ‘endurance.’

My first impression of this card is that there’s a feeling here of needed protection. Of needing to take a moment for yourself. To collect ourselves a little. Sitting with a warm fire and checking in with ourselves. To see if we’re ok. Ask yourself this question, How am I doing today? And let the answer sink in, whatever it might be.

Secondly, this card talks about endurance and ideas around weathering the storm. About being brave and strong and able to endure tough times and the good. It’s not just about taking a load off but also knowing that you’re going to be ok even though you don’t know how long the storm will last.

This card asks us to focus on the idea of endurance today of needing to weather some storm. It might Abe happening right now, but when it does, you should be ready for it. Take the steps now to ensure that you’ll be ok through whatever thought times are coming ahead.

I will say here that the cards don’t predict the future. This isn’t a prediction of bad times ahead. I know for some, it might feel that way. A lot is going on in our world that seems like things are on edge. But it looks like that is just how the world is these days. There’s always a crisis or catastrophe about to happen or happening. It keeps us on our toes. It keeps our adrenaline flowing, and we can only make so much of that before we deplete it.

I think this card can speak to that idea as well. If things are going to fall apart, we might as well set up camp, get a friendly fire going, and make a lovely evening out of it. Take care of what you can and the rest; let it go, my friend. The stress is not worth it. Focus on what you can do yourself and for those you love.

Our next card speaks to us of embrace. We have the Ace of Vessels.

The Ace of Vessels shows us a beautiful scene at a watering hole. The water flows from a rock into a calm pond. An elk drinks while a swan swims and enjoy the cool, clean water.

The card is labeled ‘The Waters of Life.’ And that’s exactly what this card is all about. Aces often represent the beginnings of things. Not the thing as a new thing, but the idea. I’ll explain this in a second… The suit of vessels in this deck represents water, as we can see in the image, our emotions, and our emotional mind. The part of us that feels. This also covers things like intuition and what we often consider psychic abilities.

So here we have the waters of life. This is the place from which wall water comes. The source. Without this water, life would not be possible. But it isn’t the water that runs in our sinks. It’s the source of that water that sustains us and brings us life. And also the source of our emotions. Our emotional being. The place where our emotions come from. Again the idea of source energy. And this energy is fantastic and wonderful. It’s what makes each one of us special. We can feel so richly and deeply, and we can tap into that vast power, find emotions, and allow them to wash over us. Some will be good and amazing. Some will not. But the beauty of this is that we can always return to the source, let the amazing feelings wash over us, and cleanse away the not-so-good. So when times get tough, remember that you can return to the source of your emotional self and find those feelings that made you feel good. And that’s what this card asks us to embrace today. Embrace your ability to connect with your source.

Our last card shows us an energy to release today. We have the Four of Stones.

This card shows a cute doe lying on a mound of earth underneath a stone structure for protection. She might be cold and tired and needing a moment to rest. We see the sun rising in the background.

We have another stone card in our spread. When this happens, it’s usually telling us that the energy of that particular suit will play a significant role today. The stones are connected to the element of the earth. And all the things that happen on the earth. They are connected with our work and our pleasures just as much as they are connected to our finances and our sense of groundedness.

The fours often speak of integrity and stability. And you can see that in the stone structure, the doe is lying under. It looks solid and sturdy. It’s not going anywhere. It looks old and has probably been there for quite some time and maybe made by prehistoric people as a shelter or a place to worship.

But this card is our release card for today. Maybe we’re feeling a little vulnerable today. Perhaps we’ve been feeling a need to hide away a little. In the release position, this card tells us that feeling a little vulnerable is ok. We don’t need to build walls or significant boundaries to protect ourselves. We can release this idea and let the world see who we are. The people who will poke at or tease you aren’t worth the time it would take to build the wall anyway. Besides, you block out everyone because of a small group. That’s not fun. Step out of your comfort zone today. And let the world take notice of you in all your amazingness!

Thanks for reading today. If you enjoyed this reading, let me know by leaving a comment. I’d also love to hear how this resonated with you as well. Leave a comment, and I”d love to hear from you. If this didn’t resonate, that’s ok. Please share this with a friend who might need to hear this message today.

And last, I’ve been working on my offerings for personal readings. And I’ve come up with a special for my medium readers only. I’m offering a 25% discount on all my readings. When you place your order, enter the code MEDIUM25 to receive 25% off any reading. Click here to purchase your personal reading. I look forward to doing a reading with you.

Take care, and have a great day!




Jason Almirez-Taglianetti
Tarot Journeys

Intuitive tarot practitioner and lightworker writing to help people find healing, direction and hope in their daily lives.