What the cards are showing us for the week ahead — March 19–26, 2023

Jason Almirez-Taglianetti
Tarot Journeys
Published in
6 min readMar 19, 2023

As I get more comfortable reading the cards, I add more advanced spreads. For this weekly reading, I decided to use a six-card cross spread. The card positions are as follows:

1 — The card at the center speaks of the week ahead
2 — Crosses the first card and present us with possible obstacles for the week
3 — At the bottom of the cross tells us about the root of the week ahead
4 — to the left of the cross is what lies in the past
5 — at the top of the cross tells us about possible aspirations
6 — The card at the right of the cross is a possible outcome.

So let’s dive in.

Cross Spread featuring the World, The Wheel of Fortune, The Seven of Swords, The King of Cups, The queen of Cups and The lovers.

I shuffled the cards and asked for a card to show us what we could focus on for the week ahead. The card that came up was the World.

The World — The world depicts a dancer at the center of a wreath of victory. She wears only a sash and holds two magical wands.

The world depicts a dancer at the center of a wreath of victory. She wears only a sash and holds two magical wands. In each of the four corners, we see the head of a man, which symbolizes Aquarius, an air sign; the head of an eagle which is a higher form of Scorpio, a water sign; at the bottom right, we see the head of a Lion, Leo which is a fire sign, and in the bottom left, a bull which is Taurus, an earth sign. This card is also the last in the Major Arcana, also known as completing the fool’s journey to enlightenment.

This card is all about the completion of cycles. And we have an equinox coming up this week. So we were focused on the end of one process, winter, and the beginning of another, spring, this week. Things are in flux, and you can tell by the weather. Where I live, the weather is all over the place right now. One day it’s in the fifties; the next, it’s above eighty degrees, and then it’ll dip back into the forties again. As unstable as things are, we feel that instability ourselves. And so our week will feel a little unstable. So be prepared for the instability not just in the weather but in ourselves as well this week.

Our next card crosses our first card, showing us possible obstacles for the week ahead. The card that landed in that spot is the Wheel of Fortune. This is interesting because if you squint at both cards, you might swear you’re seeing double.

The Wheel of Fortune shows a wheel at its center, which shows the word ROTA, a Latin word for wheel. As is Rota Fortunae or wheel of fortune. We also see symbols of the four fixed signs of the zodiac, Aquarius, Scorpio, Leo, and Taurus, in the same positions as we do in the World card. But in this card, we see a Sphinx sitting at the top of the wheel and the God Anubis at the bottom of the wheel. So in this card, we see the fates of the world. All of the elements A god in control of the wheel and another who could control our soul if things go a different way. We also see a serpent. So there are lots of things happening on this card. Our possible obstacles card shows us that what we’re focusing on this week could also be an obstacle for us. The completion of a cycle also presents from moving =into a new cycle. We get so caught up in the ending that we forget to look ahead at the beginning of the next cycle. Focusing solely on the end of winter could prevent us from preparing for the start of spring.

Our next card lies at the bottom of our cross and shows us what lies at the base of the week ahead.

In the Seven of Swords, we see a man picking up and attempting to walk away with as many swords as he can carry. He has a slight smile, which tells me this is nothing more than a prank he might be playing on some friends or colleagues. He might be taking the swords for a laugh. The look on his face indicates that he’s trying not to get caught and is careful not to. But he’s also not watching where he’s going, either. There could be trouble in that direction if he’s not careful. What does this have to do with our week? We might try to have some fun at the beginning of our week. If we’re not careful, it can backfire on us. And if we don’t watch out, we could end up falling, and when you fall while carrying a bunch of swords… it’s possible one of them could hurt you. This card shows us that there is some carelessness as we start our week. But we can avoid it because we can take the time to look in the right direction. We can still have fun; we must look at all orders first.

Our next card signifies what lies in the past of our week. That card sits to the left of the cross, the King of Cups. Cups symbolize water and our emotions. So we can see that there have been some emotions in our recent past. Being that it’s the King of Cups, these emotions have been with us for a while. They’ve been with us long enough to be a little on the mature side.

Usually, I would go to the aspirations card next, but my eyes are drawn to our possible outcome card because it’s another Cup. And it’s the Queen of Cups, which also signifies mature motions. And being that he lands in the possible outcome spot, these emotions that have been with us recently will also be with us for the near future. So I don’t imagine these emotions going anywhere anytime soon. With the Queen, though, I can see these emotions shifting slightly to a different energy. These feelings will change into more of a deeper, more intuitive place in our minds before we’re done with them. This is ok and perfectly natural. Sometimes we must sit with our emotions for a bit to understand them. Only when we truly appreciate them do we let them go? This is normal and natural.

The last card in our spread shows us possible aspirations for the week ahead. The card that lands in this post is the Lovers. These cards offer us that we should aspire to love this week. That we should look for love in our lives. If we have love, We should spend some time this week with our passion and let them know just how much we love them, Buy them flowers and give them a card for no apparent reason other than to say “I love you.” Or “I appreciate you.” Maybe you could do a chore for them and let them sleep or rest as you help them with their day. Whatever you do, do it with love this week.

Thanks for joining me in this reading. If you enjoyed it or if it resonated with you, please let me know in the comments. And while you’re at it, she also waits with a friend. Again with love. Thanks again for reading, and have a great week!




Jason Almirez-Taglianetti
Tarot Journeys

Intuitive tarot practitioner and lightworker writing to help people find healing, direction and hope in their daily lives.