What the tarot is telling us today — March 7, 2023

Jason Almirez-Taglianetti
Tarot Journeys
Published in
5 min readMar 7, 2023

Focus, Embrace, Release.

Photo by Jen Theodore on Unsplash

This week I’ve started to use a new spread for my daily readings. Rather than being a fortune-telling spread, this one shows us what to focus on, what we should embrace for the day, and what we need to release. I like this spread because I don’t buy into the idea that the cards tell our future. It’s more about giving us insights and ideas about our lives. The future is up to us to create through our actions in the present. So let’s dive into the reading.

Our first card shows us what to focus on. Today’s focus card is The Lovers.

This card shows us that we must spend time on our relationships today. This has been a theme over the past week or so. It hasn’t come up every day, but it’s come up a few times in the past week. Pay attention to your relationships today. This could be a relationship with your lover, a boyfriend, or a girlfriend. It could even be your relationship with a good friend. I use the Rider-Waite deck for these readings; this card shows a scene much like you might expect from the Garden of Eden story. Two people stand nude before an angel or a god. One author I read called this angel “the angel of flaming hair.” Fire is a theme in this card. The tree behind the make figure also looks like it is on fire. And, of course, we use phrases like “our love burns bright,” or we use the phrase “burning desire” when we talk about love or lust. Take some time today and check in with your loved ones. See how they’re doing. See if they need anything. Make sure you tell those you love that you love them. That they know that you care about them. Do something nice, take your partner out for dinner, or plan a date with them. Bring home flowers, or do something nice for them today. They’ll greatly appreciate it, and it’ll help the relationship grow a little more.

Our next card shows us what to embrace; that card is the Ace of Pentacles.

The Ace of Pentacles is about earthly things. Possessions, money, land, work. The card shows a giant hand from a cloud holding a pentacle. The hand is pure white indicating that whoever it is, their intentions are pure and true. And because it’s coming from a cloud in the sky, it’s pretty clear this is coming from the universe, a higher power, our higher self, whatever you wish to call it. This card shows that this is a gift from something greater than ourselves.

As a card that speaks to us of what we should embrace today, this card speaks to us about receiving gifts. And that we should be open to the gifts the universe gives us. And that we shouldn’t worry about the source of these gifts. Trust that it comes from a good place. A place that doesn’t require anything in return other than for us to accept this gift and enjoy it. Nothing more than that. Be open today to gifts that come to us. Gifts can take a lot of different forms. Because it’s a pentacle, typically, this gift will be of an earthly nature. So think about work, finances, possessions, and assistance. This might be a greeting card from someone just letting us know they care or a coworker offering you help at work. Whatever the gift, embrace it today and be grateful.

Our last card in today’s reading is the card that shows us what to release. What we should let go. That card is the Ace of Swords.

Like the Ace of Pentacles, the Ace of Swords shows a hand coming from a cloud, holding a large sword. A crown hovers at the blade’s tip. This is a good indicator of the suit’s meaning. Swords are all about our intellect and the conscious mind. This is the part of our brain we actively control. This deals with our thoughts and ideas.

In the position of the release card, this card tells us to let go of thoughts weighing us down and to stop over-analyzing things. Sometimes we overanalyze things to the point where we might miss something good. All because we were stuck reliving something from the past or deep in thoughts we don’t need to be focused on. I don’t mean to say that we should disregard our thoughts today. On the contrary, we should always recognize our thoughts but let go of those we don’t need. These are the bad thoughts, the negative, the overly critical thoughts. The voice in our head that tells us we’re not worthy. Those are the thoughts to let go of. When we get criticized for doing something weird or different, we often think about it way more than we should. And those are the kinds of thoughts we should be releasing today.

Thanks for reading. If you enjoyed this reading or if it resonated with you today, please let me know by leaving a comment. If it didn’t resonate, that’s ok. Not every reading is for us. But please consider sharing this with a friend who might enjoy or need this message today. Thank you again for reading, and have a great day!




Jason Almirez-Taglianetti
Tarot Journeys

Intuitive tarot practitioner and lightworker writing to help people find healing, direction and hope in their daily lives.