Intuitive Energy Update

Week Ahead Card Reading for September 23rd to 29th, 2024

Theme: stay grounded in what‘s been working

Emily Jennings
Tarot Readings With Emily
2 min read5 days ago


Your cards this week

We just passed an equinox, a major event in the collective consciousness. It means things are pretty much balanced right now and we’re about to go in the direction of the other polarity. Are you ready?

Be clear and kind this week in your communications. Try to stay above your emotions that will pull you toward a possibly irrational decision. A clear mind is your friend this week, so do anything you can to stay level-headed. (Card: queen of swords)

Some over-arching system in your life is stifling your creativity. It imposes rules and regulations that don’t feel good right now, although, at times, the structure has offered comfort. You’re advised to step back for now and analyze the situation. Now is not the time to take action and make big decisions. (Cards: Ace of Swords in reverse, The Hierophant, grey heron)

Focus on what’s been working and don’t try to reinvent the wheel this week. Stay focused on your destination. Stay grounded on what you know produces results. Stay in your comfort zone for now. This time will soon pass. (Cards: Hopkinsville Goblin, Beast of Busco)



Emily Jennings
Tarot Readings With Emily

I am here to confirm you're not crazy. Your life has meaning and nothing is an accident. | IG: @wellness_oneness |