Did Boris Johnson lie about Occupy London protests?

Tarpaulin Simon
Tarpaulin Simon
Published in
2 min readAug 14, 2015

Amongst this fantastic news that Donnachadh has been acquitted of a fictitious charge of “assault and battery” against a GLA Heritage Warden is a piece of news that seriously calls into question Boris Johnson’s mayorship of London.

At that December protest and during the previous month Parliament Square had been fenced off and was aggressively guarded by Metropolitan Police (sometimes TSG riot cops) and GLA wardens.

The reason given for the closure of a traditional site of protest and freedom of expression was that the grass needed to be protected and reseeded. That reason was posted on fences, was issued by the GLA and in documents obtained from the Mayors office.

Today GLA Heritage warden Michael Swain gave testimony that the square had been closed to [quote] “…prevent Occupy London and Occupy Democracy from occupying the square.”

This is an amazing disclosure by a supervisor in the GLA. Who made the decision that Occupy should be denied access to the square. Is there some editorial process where government officials decide who can and cannot protest in London. Who shall and shall not face down hundreds of aggressive riot cops whilst sat on tarpaulin in the pissing rain.

Why did the British establishment encourage pro-democracy Occupy protesters in Central, Hong Kong whilst spending £2 million to suppress Occupy London outside of their window?

Who in the GLA made that decision? Who fabricated the reason that the grass needed to be reseeded. Who lied. Did Boris Johnson, the Mayor of London lie?

Boris might contend to be Prime Minister in a few years. Politicians have fallen for less

