Lena Potts
Published in
5 min readAug 7, 2017


by Lena Potts

Game of Thrones hasn’t been good since Season 4 and that’s a fact. And while it’s become bad on basically all fronts except visuals- plot, characterization, pacing, etc.- it has always been especially terrible for women. In the first season or two, we were able to rationalize it- “Well, they’re just showing us the horrors of their world.” But at some point it became impossible to ignore that they systematically use rape and the abuse of women for shock value, and that it’s exploitative, glorifying, irresponsible, and gross.

Partially spawned by a tweet by @AndrewGronda, and partially from years of conversations about who my friends and I would like to see on the Iron Throne, I have decided that it’s possible for GOT to become a good show again. If the women win it all, I will be so much less mad that I hate watched this show for 8 years.

Here’s how things COULD and SHOULD shake out for some of our characters. All of these plot points are absolutely narratively possible and within their character arcs, and would obviously create a much better show.

Girl, stop. Image via Giphy

Daenerys- Controversial opinion: DANNY HAS TO BE STOPPED. And SHE IS NOT THE CHOSEN ONE. She’s uninformed, overly confident, rude, reckless, impulsive, stubborn, all under the guise of justice, equality, and honor. Gross. I want Tyrion to have to kill Danny, in a second entry in the “Lannister hand of the King/Queen kills their Targaryen ruler for the good of literally everyone” saga.

Brienne- Runs the Kingsguard for years and continues Arya’s training in beating the hell out of anyone who underestimates you. Eventually passes the baton to Arya as head of the Kingsguard, marries Tormund, has all the joy they both deserve, including very giant ginger children, who are also awesome. Adopts a direwolf.

Cersei- Cersei has to die, and, it will very likely be at the hand of her brotherlover. But, I have long since felt that Cersei is the most important character on the show. She is the most well-formed lens into what the brutality of their world really creates. She’s an incredibly sympathetic character, one who is definitely a reaction to her world as well as a force within it. I hope her death brings her some well-deserved peace, and that she is remembered, at least by Sansa (so it seems she will be) as more than a villain.

Arya- Arya kills nearly everyone on her list. While she continues her (understandable) ruthless streak, she also learns the complexities of humanity and the value of forgiveness, and, again, chooses not to kill the Hound. She re-teams with Nymeria (who now has a whole family of Stark-loyal direwolves), and maybe Meera Reed, and eventually becomes the head of the Kingsguard under Brienne’s tutelage. She also serves as an advisor to the new ruler of the Seven Kingdoms…

Image via The Independent

Sansa. Fucking. Stark.- Ned Stark was an (honorable) idiot and walked into getting his head chopped off. Robb was the same, and was also politically useless. Deal with it, don’t @ me. Catelyn was, while more intuitive and less rigid than her husband, too impulsive and unsteady. Sansa has grown into a perfect balance of her parents, and, more so, the strengths of all the other leaders we see out here. Rather than casting Cersei aside as her enemy, she’s clearly learned from her. She made the decision to lean into what Littlefinger could provide her. She unifies people but isn’t naive, has the Stark name but some southern savvy. She’s the Queen we deserve.

Lady Mormont- Ah, the Internet’s favorite TV character. She’ll benevolently and honorably forgive Jorah, who can die (sorry, they’re all dead) knowing his family accepted him back into their hearts. She continues to be one of the most well-respected and badass rulers in the North, and eventually becomes renown throughout the Seven Kingdoms for her strength of character and quick wit. Sansa asks her to be a part of her Small Council.

Olenna Tyrell- Is already dead but I love her so she’s still here. Is canonized as the saint she is. Hangs out with Margaery in GOT heaven, which I imagine is just a bunch of wine, audiences for your sassy one-liners, and gorgeous outfits. Continues her wonderful love/hate relationship with Tywin Lannister as a ghost.

The baddest. Image via Giphy.

Yara Greyjoy- Yara is also dead AF. I’m very sad about it. But she dies in a badass blaze of glory, taking out many of Euron’s men and ships as she goes. Wildfyre?

Ellaria Sand- How messed up is it that I just don’t care about her?

Melisandre- She was megatrash for so long, and there’s no coming back from the “sacrifice” of sweet, sweet baby Shireen. But she seems to be headed for some redemption. Unlike most other characters on the show, who are motivated by greed and self-interest, Melisandre has always acted out of deep and sincere belief. And, while the mythos of the show remains incredibly foggy (another huge gripe, another article), she is one of few who point to the reality of religion. While we don’t know whether all the religions are equally valid, we do know that the Lord of Light is real- she birthed a shadow baby, this shit exists. So, given that she is a totem for one of the most tangible aspects of the universe’s mythology, I say she continues her journey of discovery, finds out Danny is also not the chosen one, just as Stannis was not, and after being shaken and knocked down so many times, has her first, true realization- Melisandre tells us how to beat the White Walkers in the end (fire, ice, get it?).

I don’t know if a show can reform its identity, after so many seasons of horrible decisions, to stand for new values. But at the end of the day, Game of Thrones has an incredible viewership, and has the real ability to both represent characters in new, meaningful ways, as well as influence the future of television and storytelling. Regardless of whether they can atone for past injustices, they can show, as Wonder Woman helped to do, that women can and should lead media meant for everyone’s consumption.

So, David Benioff, D.B. Weiss, I understand that you’ve already shot all of season 7 and probably already have everything but shooting complete for 8, but, read this, and please adjust accordingly.


Someone who keeps watching your show despite it making me want to pull my eyes out.



Lena Potts

My entire life is basically an audition for a yet undeveloped, very boring HBO show.