Who are the ultimate beneficiaries of TARUSH platform?

Published in
4 min readJul 18, 2019

Short answer? You and everyone else using cryptocurrencies!

See, even if you don’t like Bitcoin, the fact cannot be ignored that it enjoys a pretty reasonable dominance in the market and regardless of the actuality that there are hundreds and thousands of tokens in the niche, all of them indirectly get affected by everything (good or bad) happening to the BTC network.

Whether you happen to run a business or you want an efficient payment solution for your day-to-day trades, crypto offers perfect feasibility and TARUSH plays a pivotal role in making it more efficient, scalable and private for everyone.

Let’s have a look at the benefits offered by cryptocurrencies in general and TARUSH in particular.

Prevents ID theft

This is a major problem with traditional payment processors. Basically, the data is stored in a centralized location and whenever you allow someone to charge your card for any transaction, you are giving him full access to the sensitive data that may be used at a later instance to conduct an activity without the card owner having any knowledge about it.

One of the primary reasons for this issue is that traditional methods rely on a ‘pull’ method for the payment to be transferred. However, all cryptocurrencies opt for a ‘push’ method. It implies that instead of a vendor taking out the payment from someone’s credit card, the customer himself sends the payment to the concerned recipient.

Of course, TARUSH also offers that basic feasibility but we go way beyond that. We ensure that at the time of any transaction, only the required amount of data is taken from the users. For instance, if you are paying someone through our token, we do not ask you for your real name, wallet’s password or any such thing. So if we are not taking such details, it is impossible to steal them as well — simple!

Furthermore, we are also very concerned about user privacy and therefore, when we register a transaction on the public ledger, we do not publish your wallet address, the amount being transferred and the party to which the amount was sent. It does not mean that TARUSH is unaware of what you are doing. The network knows everything, but we just don’t keep this sensitive data open for the general public as is the case with other crypto ventures.

Immediate settlement

It refers to increased efficiency and that’s exactly what crypto offers. International bank transfers may take up to 5 days before the payment finally shows up in recipient’s bank account and it greatly affects the business deals since people are either required to wait for such a long time or trust the sender.

However, in the case of cryptocurrencies, you do not have to trust anybody. The payments are instantaneous and even if a network confirmation takes time, every wallet shows a list of incoming (pending) transactions. So you always know if someone has sent you the payment or not.

Talking further about immediate settlements, it is worth mentioning that TARUSH aims at boosting the TPS rate to about 100,000. With such an incredible speed, one can only imagine the benefits it would offer to mainstream crypto users.


Every crypto venture offers that, right? So why are we bragging about it? Well, as always, TARUSH goes a step ahead in order to increase the level of decentralization.

Firstly, please note that when an ICO or any other crypto-based business says that it is decentralized, it just implies that they are using an “inherent” feature of blockchain which allows them to share the data on all nodes across the network — that’s all. But TARUSH goes a step ahead as we do not have any CEO, CFO, CTO or ‘a team’ for that matter.

We believe in distributing the authority among community members and then running the network through consensus. YOU ALL are the decision making authorities of TARUSH.

Moreover, TARUSH does not have any ICO campaign, which means that we are not running any initiative to give you a certain stake against making an investment in the venture. We are not raising funds for the team. We will just go for an airdrop, which will be purely random (selected by the algorithm).


It is the second name for cross-compatibility and interoperability. There are a couple of solutions in the market allowing such use cases, like Crowd Machine. Basically, they offer dApps which are interoperable with any blockchain. Despite being a wonderful initiative, the solution is rather centralized and robs the technology of its true spirit (i.e. decentralization).

Even though Bitcoin still enjoys a decent role in the market, there are plenty of other options for millions of users. Therefore, the community needs a robust solution like Taursh, which allows efficient transactions between different blockchains, without depending on a 3rd party.

Let’s talk about it from the perspective of a business. Your company does not have to create a wallet account on every network to accept more customers. With cross-platform compatibility, only one wallet account will allow you to receive payments from all the chains. As a result of this, you do not have to depend on the uptime of any 3rd party or pay any intermediary chain for receiving or sending the money.

Moreover, it would also allow a slow performing network to shift its intensive computation to another network, get it done, and then retrieve the result — at no cost!

Official Site: https://tarush.tech/

Telegram Channel: https://t.me/TarushChannel

Telegram Groups: https://t.me/TarushTech

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TarushTech

Reddit: https://reddit.com/u/TarushTech

Medium: https://medium.com/TarushTech

Youtube: https://bit.ly/2CJmVcW

