How I am using Google Maps and Notion to organize my next trip

Alberto Ziveri
Published in
2 min readAug 27, 2018

This quick note is useful to just let you know two powerful tools which could not be so much popular. The first one is a tool that anybody knows but mostly don’t use to its full potential: Google My Maps. The second one is the next startup which is surprising any team and it’s been widely adopted as collaboration tool inside innovative teams: Notion.

Organising a trip is something which differs from people to people. But when you visit a new country you need to know everything: where to eat, where to sleep, what to visit, how to reach places etc.

There are many popular tools, like MyTrip, and I’m sure there also many undiscovered tools (I would like to discover 😋). Howevery they are always very limited, or they offer too many options they become complicated.

So with MY MAPS I started keeping track of:

  • places to visit
  • where I’m staying
  • where I would like to eat or I’ve booked to eat

This is the result of my beautiful, complete, 2018 updated BALI MAP:

While with Notion, the beautiful, complete application for collaborating, I could embed the map in a page and start adding:

  • costs in a table and keep track of the total budget
  • the “official” itinerary
  • the things to pack

I could also share the pages with my girlfriend so she could add places and start collaborating in completing the itinerary.



Alberto Ziveri
Editor for

Running , designing HR solutions for Studio Ziveri ( ) and designing AI with Divisible Odd ( )