November update

Raymond Julin
Task Analytics
Published in
5 min readDec 9, 2016

November flipped into December so fast we forgot to publish this November update by an extra week! We were too busy building Task Analytics to pause for writing. I guess thats neither good nor bad …

Did you miss last months update? Here it is

We’ve landed some important features and fixes over the last month, and we’ve also added some pretty cool customers. Our monthly goal have been to get more customers invite their colleagues. Up until now Task Analytics have been used mostly by consultants. So we set a concrete goal of having 100 user accounts created in November, and to focus on initiatives that would aid in that. This was our plan from the start, starting with technical users, and move more and more towards full self service for tech-unsavvy users over time.

More filters, better filters, saved filters

The biggest feature we’ve worked on is better filtering, and the ability to save filters into filter presets. We know that some have had to download the export and filter the data manually for certain cases, and thats not something we’ve been happy with. Now you will be able to slice and dice the data based on all your segments and top tasks. The new filters are live, but only select users have been given access right now. We will enable it for everybody very soon!

Improved survey dialogue control

Along with bigger customers comes the more advanced needs for controlling how your product works. The admin facing side we keep truly streamlined, and without configuration options, but the actual survey dialogue is a different story. We’ve added a sleeve of fixes recently:

  • Stickier sessions when survey is shown to a percentage of visitors. Now we maintain whether you will see the survey for your entire session, instead of you having another roll of the dice when you move to a subdomain for example.
  • We’ve removed the dependency on some logic in our installation code. There was some code that checked the cookie to decide if the script should be fetched from our servers. This part of the installation code is not run by tag managers such as Tealium, so we got rid of that in the installation code going forward.
  • Support for disabling the survey on individual pages. Sometimes you have some URLs that should not run the survey dialogue, and now they can be added to the configuration.

Customer support using Intercom and easier colleague invitations

You might have noticed the little blue icon in the lower right corner. This is where you can reach us for customer support when you need it. Click on the icon and ask us anything, and we will answer as soon as possible. This lets you ask while in-context, and it will also make it easier for us to follow up because we can see which survey you are working on, as well as other details we will not have to ask explicitly of you. This also gives us some better app analytics about which features are used, and how. This lets us better prioritise our work.

We also opened up the ability to invite colleagues for more of you, which helped us reach our first goal for new user accounts.

Cool new customers

We’re proud that two major telecom providers in Norway have begun using Task Analytics to listen to their customers. So cheers Telenor and Telia. This is really cool because telecom providers succeed or fail in the light of how they manage to please their customers. There are few markets where the fight for customers is as fierce, and so they absolutely should be laser focused on happy customers! Another new customer is a big real estate agent, Krogsveen.

Telenor, Krogsveen and Telia, running Task Analytics.

A brand new knowledge base

We have also added a knowledge base that is easily accessible on our webpage. Going forward it is important for us that using Task Analytics is as autonomous as possible, and for that its important to openly share as much knowledge as possible. Both so potential customers can find information without having to reach out to us, and also for current customers that are struggling with some aspects.

Christmas is approaching fast now, and our pace is dwindling down slightly as we prepare for the festivities. But even though we will be doing a lot of relaxing until next update, I’m pretty sure we’ll sneak in something interesting in the next update as well ;)
Until then, have a great holiday season, eat lots of good food and have fun!

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Raymond Julin
Task Analytics

CTO & Co-founder @Taskanalytics. Beard. @BergenJS. Traveller. Siberian Husky snuggler