Living in the north, roasting coffee, and why people love photographing their food

Matt Rickard - COO @ Biochar Life
2 min readApr 9, 2019


Meet Dustin Joseph, a travel and food enthusiast who grew up in Left Hand Canyon, Boulder, Colorado and has since traveled to over 60 countries in 5 continents, spending time in Mexico, around the Mediterranean and Southeast Asia. Today he’s based in the north of Thailand, an area he’s visited and lived in since 2004.

Following school Dustin studied Culinary Arts and went onto to work at a number of top restaurants before travelling to Thailand where he launched, or helped others launch, their own dining experiences.

“I didn’t choose coffee, coffee chose me”

Throughout his culinary journey Dustin has always had a passion and interest in coffee which he’s now taken professional with Left Hand Roasters — and it’s this we spend the majority of our time exploring on todays pod — as well as touching on life in northern Thailand, following freedom and the current food/selfie phenomenon. Dustin also loves anthropology, agriculture and science, with a focus on finding a way to connect them all.

You can find out more about Dustin and his coffee endeavours at:

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Matt Rickard - COO @ Biochar Life
Editor for

Social entrepreneur, podcaster, writer, film-maker, rugby nut, dog lover - living in the north of Thailand