Track an activity, verify it, send rewards using blockchain tokens — all from your mobile phone

Steve Walker
Published in
3 min readFeb 25, 2019

If you wanted to start rewarding activities tracked via mobile, with tokens — and you’d like to create a proof of concept on your mobile phone… then this video is for you.

The aim of this exercise is for you to go through setting up the Task platform in about 15 minutes, with a easy to demo and test project inside your Task mobile app in which:

  1. You take on the role of a Tasker to complete an activity that requires verification and has a token payment
  2. You then take on the role of Verifier to check and accept the task that was completed
  3. You finally take on the role of the Project Owner who will authorise the payments

In this post I’ll run through the steps I go through in the video to help you get this setup yourself, with useful links and token wallet information.

Before you start — if you don’t yet have a Task account, you need to download and install the Task app, create a new account, and setup your profile. You will also need to access your account via the website — login here. OK? We’re ready to go.

Setup a project and add some tasks

We have already created tutorials on how to do this — you will do this over in the web interface, you will create a project, and add a task.

Your task will be setup with Verify?: Yes, and Points: 3 — so that we will be asked to verify the completed activity, and 3 tokens will be paid for a successfully verified task.

Setup the Project Wallet

Next — you’ll login to your mobile app, view your project, and setup token payments via the project wallet.

Feel free to use your own tokens, but if you are getting started feel free to use our “NIKSTERS” tokens — these are a test token we created, and you can test with them (Payments of a few tokens would be appreciated — we’d like be able to leave it for anyone to use for testing).

If you wish to use NIKSTERS, the setup information you need is:

  • Private key of the Niksters Test Wallet: SDMLHMWMB3X7UNYXAGBXVFG3RPWGJ2V5PJHLOVCABQHESO345O2CC5IE
  • Token name (asset code): NIKSTERS
  • Public key of the issuer account: GB3I3XTA2M2KFRYZ3PCGM73H4NONQT6V4Q3M5J3PA4SACLT7IE5FILAN

The big moment! Test the workflow.

The moment of truth. Navigate to the wallet on your mobile app, you should see you have zero (unless this is a token you have already utilised).

1. The Tasker experience

Complete the task you setup. In the video I just supply an image. Once the task is completed, this step is done.

2. The verification process

You want to protect your tokens, you want to ensure only quality tasks are accepted. As a verifier in this project (you created this project, so you are automatically added to the verifier team) you will be asked to verify tasks.

View the work that was submitted, and accept it.

3. Project owner token payment

Finally, see how the Project Owner who can authorise payments gets alerted that there are pending payments. Complete the payment which you will see will be sent to the Tasker who first completed the task.

Go back and check your wallet — the tokens should be paid to the Tasker wallet, and once redeem options are added, Taskers can swap tokens for rewards.

You now have a full 360 experience on your Task mobile app that works through the key stakeholder stages in a Task project!

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Task is a platform that connects organisations to individuals so that projects can be outsourced via mobile devices in the form of auditable tasks. Organisations collect business critical data, which along with Task’s verification and proof of work capabilities, allow individuals to be rewarded for taking part. Please visit our website and get involved.



Steve Walker
Editor for

Tech geek/lean startup specialist. Purveyor of finest SaaS. Founder @taskdotio @thebluemarbleio @idibu. Entrepreneur. Kitesurfer. Lifestyle-business advocate