We are ready with Redeem and Reward!

Matt Rickard - COO @ Biochar Life
Published in
2 min readApr 3, 2019

The Task tech team have been heads down and deep in development for the last few weeks, refining the platform’s redeem and reward capability — and the feature-set hit the app a few days ago!

What does that mean?

Ok, so we’ve launched a few projects including Task Marketing Workforce and Task Tribe.

You can join these projects and chose to take part in a variety of tasks — digital micro-jobs that you earn tokens for completing.

There are TRIBE tokens for our community projects which can be redeemed for free items and discount vouchers, and also TASK tokens for the more serious worker, which can be redeemed for cash.

So if you’re looking to get involved in some mobile based activities and get rewarded, download the app and join the Task community.

Click on the link below for instructions on how to access the Task app:

Download the Task app!

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Task is a platform that connects organisations to individuals so that projects can be outsourced via mobile devices in the form of auditable tasks. Organisations collect business critical data, which along with Task’s verification and proof of work capabilities, allow individuals to be rewarded for taking part. Please visit our website and get involved.



Matt Rickard - COO @ Biochar Life
Editor for

Social entrepreneur, podcaster, writer, film-maker, rugby nut, dog lover - living in the north of Thailand