Why I invested in TASK.IO

Greg Holden
Published in
3 min readOct 14, 2018

Most investors spend their time chasing returns. But what if there was a way to do good while also turning a profit?

Positive impact investment is a relatively new concept. According to Investopedia, this means investing money in companies, organisations, funds or projects anywhere in the world that can effect a positive social change, while at the same time delivering a financial return to investors.

When choosing where to invest, it’s a no brainer to avoid investing in well-known baddies such as tobacco and weapons. But more recently, it has become easier to support ventures that actively lead to a better world. As a global citizen it should be obvious to want to put one’s money into these areas. Whether it be eradicating poverty, improving food security or expanding access to education — there are literally thousands of opportunities to positively invest, and to make a difference.

And the good news is it can be done by anyone, anywhere. With the advent of micro investments, you do not have to have a stellar bank account to make a difference to the planet and to your own financial future.

Here are 5 great reasons why impact investing makes sense to me.

  1. Help to meet today’s global challenges. It’s going to take more than government policies to solve the big problems we face today. If we all play our part, small steps can make big change.
  2. Achieve great returns. Investments in positive impact projects can provide excellent ROI as today’s challenges are also excellent opportunities. It has been said that those who provide solutions to today’s problems will be the financial winners of tomorrow.
  3. Align your personal values with your investments. It’s not just the large companies that can pursue a triple bottom line strategy of “people, planet and profit”. This type of investing plants your personal flag as a responsible investor, without sacrificing positive financial returns.
  4. Meet like-minded influencers. Impact investing brings people together from a wide range of backgrounds, joined by a common belief in the benefits of “doing good whilst doing well”.
  5. Be an agent of change. As a positive impact investor, you can help to drive change that makes a measurable difference to the health of our planet and all of its inhabitants.

So… where does TASK.IO fit in here?

The tagline of “Work with Meaning… Powered by the Crowd” sums up TASK.IO’s vision of creating a workforce of people to drive positive impact, using mobile technology to harness the power of the crowd.

Empowering Disadvantaged Communities

This means that the TASK.IO platform is perfectly placed to empower disadvantaged communities to make a decent living through the use of mobile tech — i.e. using mobile phones to earn money.

100% Transparency for NGOs

TASK.IO also provides 100% transparency for NGOs and charities when reporting back to their donors… increasing the likelihood of further funding for positive change.

I’m no Warren Buffett…

...but I know a good thing when I see it, and this is why I decided to be an early adopter of TASK.IO. It certainly ticks all of the boxes outlined above and I’m very proud to be supporting TASK.IO at this hugely exciting early stage.

I’m in excellent company too… other early partners are Generation Blue, whose stated mission is to catalyse an ‘Earth Positive Economy’. These experienced investors help positive impact start-ups with the goal of catalysing their growth towards realisation.

Register for the beta programme

Right now, TASK.IO is at an exciting stage of development. Would you like to get involved?

Contact the team or register now for the beta programme and get involved early. Join the beta community and have an influence on how TASK.IO will bring positive impact effects to market.

