Key Stats for Marketers to Consider
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3 min readMar 25, 2017
- 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual, and visuals are processed in the brain 60 000 times faster than text.
- 40% of people respond better to visual information than to plain text.
- Studies have shown that the average modern adult attention span is somewhere between 2.8 and 8 sec.
- The visual networks Tumblr, Pinterest & Instagram all grew during 2012, dubbed the “the rise of the visual web” by ComScore.
- 94% more total views on average are attracted by content containing compelling image than content without images.
- 67% of consumers consider clear detailed images to be very important and to carry even more weight than the product information, full description, and customer ratings.
- Posting plenty of visual content is a sure way of boosting engagement : a recent study of 739 000 tweets found that 76% of content that was shared had a photo attached, and 18% had a video as part of the message.
- 62% of respondents to a survey from the Custom content Council reported using video in their content marketing.
- A 37% increase in engagement is experienced when Facebook posts include photographs.
- A 14% increase in page views is seen when press releases contain a photographer (Page views climb 48% when both photographs and videos are included).
- 46.1% of people say a website’s design is the number one criterion for discerning the credibility of the company.
- Publishers who use infographics grow in traffic an average of 12% more than those who don’t.
- Posts with videos attract 3 times more inbound links than plain text posts attract.
- Viewers are 85% more likely to purchase a product after watching a product video.
- Images are becoming ever more central to our lives : of all the photos ever taken by humankind, 10% have been taken in the last 12 months.
- Articles with images get 94% more total views.
- Including a photo and a video in a press release increases views by over 45%.
- 60% of consumers are more likely to consider or contact a business when an image shows up in local search results.
- In an online store, customers think that the quality of a product’s image is more important than product-specific information (63%), a long description (54%), and ratings and reviews (53%).
- A study by Eye View Digital showed that using video on landing pages can increase conversion by 80%.
Sources : The Power of visual storytelling, Ekaterina Walter and Jessica Gioglio, foreword by Dan Roam.