Welcome Guests Into Your Workspace

Taskworld Blog
Published in
3 min readOct 25, 2018

Collaborate seamlessly with clients, suppliers and other third parties on Taskworld

We are thrilled to launch one of our most requested features — Workspace Guests.

We know you’re collaborating everyday with not just your team but also third parties such as suppliers, clients, contractors etc. So far Taskworld had been your team’s private workspace while you relied on emails and other tools to communicate with external teams.

Our latest feature allows you to collaborate with anyone you want inside your Taskworld workspace.

One stop place to get all your work done. Period.

1. How are guests different from workspace members?

Workspace members have full access to Taskworld’s features. They can track progress, create tasks, send messages and view reports.

Guests have restricted visibility in your workspace. Once you invite guests to a project, they can:

  • View task progress as followers
  • Complete tasks that they are assigned to or are following
  • Comment and share files inside tasks that they are following
  • Use project chat to communicate with other members
  • Give/receive feedback

Guests cannot:

  • Create tasks or change task properties
  • Access projects/tasks that they are not part of
  • Access reports like project timeline, calendar and workspace overview

Guests settings are carefully chosen to ensure that your workspace privacy isn’t breached. By restricting guest visibility to only their work, your team members don’t need to worry about disclosing sensitive company information.

You can work with multiple guests in one workspace without them ever having to see each other. This is really powerful for agencies with a vast clientele.

2. How do I invite guests?

The process to invite guests is very similar to inviting workspace members. Click on Invite People. You’ll find this option in the following places:

  • Under Members tab in Workspace Settings
  • By clicking on create button (+) in the top left corner
  • By clicking Invite as guest while adding members to a task

Here you’ll find the option to invite members or guests to your workspace

Guests have restricted visibility in your workspace.

As with members, you can send invitation to guests via email.

You’ll be asked to specify which projects the guests would have access to. Guests can only see the tasks that they are part of inside these projects.

Guests will only have access to projects that they are part of.

Once a guests accepts your invitation, they’ll be guided to your workspace.

You can easily distinguish between guests and members in your workspace as each guest has a ‘G’ icon on their profile avatar.

‘G’ icon differentiates guests from members.

Do I need to pay for guests?

We had been saving the best news for the last. Guest accounts are completely free!

If you are subscribed to Taskworld, you can use an unlimited number of guests in your workspace :-)

Try out the new guest feature on Taskworld and let us know your thoughts.



Taskworld Blog

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