The Age of Team Collaboration is Over — Swit Opens a New Era for TeamS Collaboration

Josh Lee
Taste of Teamwork
Published in
5 min readNov 26, 2019

Swit was founded to close the Age of “Team Collaboration” and open a new era for “TeamS Collaboration.” To fill in the gap for company-wide cross-functional work, Swit recently launched the ever-so-powerful Swit Advanced tier.

For more information about our products, click here.

Although the history of the work communication network has evolved to become more cross-functional and multi-team collaborative, previously existing team collaboration tools are yet to accommodate today’s many working environments — Team of Teams.

These tools were strictly compartmentalized and allowed no fluidity between workflows and communications in organizations that required multiple-team collaboration beyond a single workspace. Simply put, many had to rely on multiple accounts within one service or various function-specific services to get things done.

For instance, if people wanted to create another workspace, they had to create another account. Also, while they were working in one workspace, they didn’t know what was going on in the other workspaces they belonged to. Such a barrier in between workspaces caused confusion, bloat, and disjointed workflow, while mentions, messages, and other notifications piled up in different workspaces scattered everywhere. Swit Advanced brings you exactly what you need to overcome these issues and more.

Swit Advanced Tier: Browse Workspaces. Try it here.

The solution we provide with the Swit Advanced tier helps organizations stay focused on their business without having to sacrifice either already-familiar existing workflow or efficiency to eliminate all communication overhead generated from a disjointed multi-workspace environment. It allows users to have a bird’s-eye view of all workspaces by pooling all notifications from activities to mentions into one unified dashboard with various filters for messages, tasks, or file attachments, no matter which workspace they come from.

Swit Advanced Tier: All Activities. Try it here.

The main point we want to convey with the introduction of Swit Advanced is that the single ‘Team Collaboration’ category has been developed too fast for a market that simply needed more. Now the category branches off to too many sub-categories that users are forced to integrate them all at the cost of user-friendly interaction. In return, it’s so frustrating to go back and forth between chat, tasks, team management, and more.

Also, the existing tools in this category don’t have the architecture or interface that’s really required to reinvent what it looks like to work together with cross-functional teams. So, we’re designing a new category of our own, called “TeamS Collaboration,” to solve one of the biggest problems left behind any enterprise SaaS innovations since the launch of the MS Office in the 1990s.

It was challenging, to say the least. We had to iterate our founding ideas and pay lots of technical debt to find the product-market fit(PMF) and satisfy the high standards of our clients following different product philosophies — from Lean to Agile, for example. Our goal was to create a product that our users can adapt to their already-established work process with a minimal learning curve — a tool [unlike Jira] that supports the process of not just software developers but that of sales reps or digital marketers.

So, when we target the small and mid-sized businesses (SMB) market, Swit may be the last-mover in the industry competing against single-function products like Slack, Trello, Asana, or, only with better functionality and usability all offered at lower costs. But, when we target mid- to large-sized markets, we’re the front-runner offering a one-of-a-kind cross-functional collaboration and task management tool. So, we think of ourselves as a dark horse long waited to wipe away multiple unicorns.

All Swit members can scale and build as many workspaces as they want with a single account. Swit was born to help businesses grow. Swit Advanced delivers innovative cross-workspace features and right-sized functionality to replace all existing players in the team collaboration tool market and improves productivity in larger organizations as well as fast-growing or remotely-working SMBs (starting from $19.99/month after a two-week free trial). Designed for small and large organizations, even enterprise teams can easily try out Swit Advanced on our website without having to contact us. To find out more about Swit, visit us at

Swit offers functions of both Slack and Asana at a lower price. For more information click here.

People spend 60% of their awake time at work. We truly believe every single one of us deserves to work sweeter than now. Try Swit and you could help us continue to innovate the way we work. This is only the beginning.


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