Jim Mahan
Tastemakers Fort Wayne
5 min readApr 20, 2017


Tastemakers FW is a video interview series. Writen, directed, and produced by Jim Mahan. Filmed and edited by Brad Bores of BBF.


I can’t begin to express how much I enjoyed our conversations! Thank you a million times over. It was so much fun hearing some of your stories and learning what makes you such a quality human being. Your heart for people is amazing and your love for Fort Wayne is apparent. Whether you like it or not, who you are and how you carry yourself is such an inspiration to many. Thank you so much.

Servant — I think you said it best. You love people. You love people so much that even if you catch a glimpse of someone you may know, walking into the restaurant, you poke your head out just to say, “hi.” I know a service based industry can be hard at times, but I think you set the bar high on what it means to be a servant. You’re always excited to see people and always willing to help if you can. You truly do make ‘The Golden’ feel accessible to anyone who walks through the doors.

Dedicated — As if working long hours isn’t enough, you still find time to compete in CrossFit, raise two teenage girls, and love your friends well! It amazes me. While your story of working until your water broke is funny, it really does speak to your dedication. I think it stems from your desire to do things well, mixed with a slight competitive edge. Keep working hard and loving people. Your dedication in these areas speaks volumes to your character.

Bold — It takes guts to put yourself out there and be unashamed of who you are and what you do. You do this well! Maybe it’s because you’re an only child, or maybe it’s because you’re super competitive. Either way, it takes guts to do the things you have done. Your presence in a room and the way you carry yourself exudes your inner confidence; not to mention, your sense of style is awesome! Keep being bold, it is an inspiring attribute to the up and coming generations of our city.

Everyone seems to have an opinion about ‘The Golden’; its service, food, and its people. In my humble opinion, you are an amazing individual who really loves what she does and the people she is doing it with. You’re exactly the kind of person this city needs, and I hope you can continue to be the one and only, Carmen McGee, that we at Tastemakers love so much.


Behind the Scenes Photo Series:

Photo Credit: Rachel Hammitt
Photo Credit: Rachel Hammitt
Photo Credit: Rachel Hammitt



Jim Mahan
Tastemakers Fort Wayne

I tell stories.. the stories of those who are creating culture for the betterment of culture at large.