A Tapas for Every Taste

17 Regions of Spain — 17 Appetizers That Highlight Local Foods

Linda Lum


Image by SplitShire from Pixabay

Tapas are an appetizer, but not just any appetizer. Though now common throughout the world, this small bite originated in Spain. Each region of Spain has its own traditional tapas (and each region lays claim to being the first to create them).

Tapas may raise a few arguments but there is one thing on which all will agree — the portions must be small or they are not authentico. In fact, size is the primary way in which an appetizer will be regarded as a true tapas.

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There are many stories of how tapas came to be — remember, I said that each region in Spain claims bragging rights. Let’s explore a few of those tales (most include Medieval kings and/or historical figures) and I’ll let you decide which one you choose as the real deal.

  • One of the most prevalent stories dates back to the 13th century. It is said that King Alfonso X The Wise fell quite ill. His royal physician prescribed copious quantities of wine as the cure. Alfonso ate small bites of food to keep from getting completely “pickled.” Lo and behold, the king recovered from his malady and made a…



Linda Lum

I love cooking and writing about food and find inspiration in food history and folklore. Twice Top Writer in Food on Medium.