“This Is the Best Pepperoni Pizza Recipe!”

Said no one—and everyone—at the same time

Dim Nikov


All photos by author. No reuse without permission.

So you’re curious about the title, am I right? Like, you’re wondering who actually said that? Truth is, it could have been anyone. Because I’m about to give you what is, hands down, the best pepperoni pizza recipe.

Ah yes, that quote? I *kinda* made that up. (Don’t worry, the recipe’s real.) A cheap trick from the dusty old book of Mad Men-era advertising, I know. David Ogilvy’s looking down from somewhere high above, pipe in hand, laughing.

But hey, it worked, didn’t it? It did get your attention — and these days, that’s half the battle.

Now, onto the pizza.

The Dough

We’re making my favorite Neapolitan-style pizza dough — a twist on King Arthur’s recipe, which you can find here.


  1. 2 cups (230 grams) 00 flour
  2. ⅛ tsp yeast, active dry or instant
  3. 1¼ tsp (8 grams) salt, table salt
  4. ½ tsp sugar, white
  5. ¾ cup (170 milliliters) water, lukewarm
  6. Olive oil, extra virgin




Dim Nikov

I write about food and cooking. Follow me if you're hungry for good stories. 🍕