Why We Started Tasytt, and then Made Obie

Every entrepreneur has a story. This is ours!

Chris Buttenham
2 min readJan 4, 2017


Chris, Rav, Alex (Founders)

Bright-eyed and fresh from university, Chris and Rav quickly found their naïve enthusiasm sullied by an outdated employee handbook and an absentee training process where they worked at a local technology company. There was a lot of knowledge floating around, both in different places and in different ways. When someone left the team, they ran off with all the tacit knowledge they had about specific clients and job sites at the company. This was a recurring problem. Their experiences left them disillusioned and frustrated — existing solutions were difficult to navigate and didn’t allow for easy access to the knowledge required.

Tasytt was born. The boys quit their jobs, rallied Alex and built a web solution to help other teams share and access knowledge — one problem: they didn’t build a product people wanted.

In spring 2016, the team was faced with a tough decision. After over a year of measly success in the market, they either had to close up shop or pivot the direction of the business one last time.

The team finally realized why the market was not reacting to the current solution. The phenomenon ‘software fatigue’ is becoming an increasingly burdensome issue. There is too much software and too many apps one team has to adopt to access knowledge. It quickly became evident that the solution needed to be delivered in a workspace teams already use.

That is why Tasytt built Obie. Obie is a chatbot that helps teams access knowledge quicker within a workspace they already use. Obie answers questions, delivers training and acts as a conversational interface for the Tasytt platform.

The name Tasytt is derived from the word “tacit”, used to describe the complex knowledge and intangible ideas that are difficult to quantify or exchange. The team remains determined on solving the problem of knowledge management, specifically tacit knowledge.

The most important thing the team has learned over the past twelve months is that all the solutions trying to tackle this problem deliver their solution in the exact same way!

Team members, like you and I, don’t care about playing games or sitting behind a learning management system to understand what we need to succeed within our team. We want a way to just ask for what we want, when we want it — in a more engaging and relatable format. We don’t need more tools.

Check us out on Twitter or give our knowledge bot, Obie, a try!



Chris Buttenham

Entrepreneur | Founder of Obie.ai | Follow me @chrisbuttenham @theaotfpodcast