Vote for TaTaTu on Ethfinex: Ethereum’s Community-Based Exchange

3 min readSep 3, 2018


TaTaTu is taking part in a community-voting process for the opportunity to be listed on Ethfinex Exchange. What makes this exchange different is that the community decides which tokens are chosen to be listed. We have passed the preliminary round of checks by Ethfinex and now we need your help: to bring quality content from Hollywood to the blockchain world.

Why Your Votes Matter

If we end up ranking in the top 3 positions, the TTU token will be made available to an ETH community who shares the sentiment that utility tokens can create more efficiency and strengthen ethics in the world. We believe with the widespread usage of TTU in visual content, we are playing a transformative role in changing the way consumers perceive and engage with entertainment.

Our TTU token system rewards users when they watch content on our platform and ensures content providers are fairly compensated when their intellectual property is accessed. Paired with our patented blockchain software, the Digital Rights’ Manager allows for the immutable storage of content rights and a verified viewcount. All stakeholders participating on the platform are guaranteed fair treatment and transparency.

Being listed on Ethfinex exchange is also a precursor to being eligible to get listed on Bitfinex, an exchange for higher-volume investors. Our goal in this post is to assist everyone who is interested in voting, complete the process successfully. Here’s how to do it.

V-O-T-E: the tools

1.You’ll need: Metamask or a Ledger wallet

2.Make sure you have EVT tokens

Create an account on Ethfinex exchange to purchase EVT (Nectar) tokens. 1EVT= 1 vote, and 1000 EVTs=1000 votes. There’s no limit to how many votes you can cast. Note: your entire EVT balance is sent to vote for a project each time, so double-check to make sure the amount in your wallet equals to the number of votes you want to cast.

After you’ve purchased EVT, send them to your Metamask address.

3. Send Ethereum to your wallet or Metamask address

Make sure you have some ETH in your wallet. This will be used for gas to verify and process your EVT transaction.

Support Us in the Vote!

  1. To access Nectar’s community voting page:
  2. When EVT tokens have arrived in your Metamask wallet, you’ll be able to click vote. First, connect Metamask to the Nectar voting webpage and login (circular icon on the lower right hand side).
  3. Then head back to the voting page and click “Vote” next to TaTaTu.
  4. You’ll be taken to your Metamask wallet, where you will add some ETH for gas, verify, and send the transaction. You will know you’ve been successful, when a green notification pops up on the Nectar webpage.

Any questions? Feel free to let us know in the comments below. We’re here to help if needed.

Prefer a visual form? Here’s a explainer video that also takes you through the process:

