A Melting Pot of Thought Leadership — Code Camp Wellington 2019

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3 min readApr 29, 2019

Tatau is thrilled to have been part of this month’s Code Camp Wellington. Attracting some of New Zealand’s best technical talent, the event aims to showcase a range of topics from the latest technologies, to learning soft skills for the business world, across twenty-four insightful breakout sessions. The event is an annual conference packed full of talks, with opportunities to network and learn about what others are doing in the New Zealand tech community.

The event is ideal for software, devops and test engineers, data scientists and machine learning engineers, but equally finds traction with anyone in the tech space looking to know more and wanting to network. Tatau chose this event to participate at for its wide-ranging topics and for the chance to connect with like-minded people.

h/t to Socialite for the photo of Tatau’s Phoenix Zerin talking at this month’s Code Camp Wellington

Networking — how to build successful relationships

In his talk, “Professional Networking: The Career-Accelerating Skill that Nobody’s Talking About”, our own Phoenix Zerin, VP of Engineering at Tatau, shared his thoughts on how to build and nurture a professional network. He stressed the importance of understanding that the purpose of building a relationship is the relationship itself, where you focus on what you can give rather than what you can get.

You can check out all of Phoenix’s slides here.

Quality is king

Katrina Clokie, Test Practice Manager at BNZ, advised that nowadays, successful managers want the best quality from their teams, not quantity, in her talk, “Test Automation as Art”. With test automation and demand for automation on the rise, new skills need to be learned to create efficient test automation frameworks and tests.

Here at Tatau, we believe AI has a major role to play in test automation in the years ahead. Simple Programmer, in their blog “The Truth about AI and Test Automation”, talks about the difference AI is already making in the test automation space, resulting in more stable tests being created, releasing software much faster and saving time in authoring and executing tests.

The team is greater than its individual parts

A key takeaway from Clokie’s presentation were her thoughts on group development activities, such as pair programming, dojos and kaizen. Clokie stated that when run well, they can multiply the efforts of participating team members. This is the philosophy we embrace at Tatau — where the key Agile tenets of self-organising teams, cross-training and radical collaboration form the foundation of our engineering teams.

CSS is Turing Complete

Perhaps a trigger statement, but compelling nonetheless. Matt Powell’s talk on “It’s just Makeup: How to care about CSS” sought to unpack some of the myths surrounding CSS. In particular, he talked about how CSS is unjustly thought of as “not a real programming language”, when in fact it requires significant technical expertise and has a huge impact on the business value of any product it is applied to, and what that means for software development. Clearly a topic of opposing thought in the wider tech community, his discussion certainly created some food for thought.

Tatau is an active participant in many tech community events both here in New Zealand and abroad. We are at the forefront of bringing distributed computing power to the wider population for everything AI and rendering. Please get in touch if you’d like more information on how Tatau can help you to actively pursue your AI or rendering ambitions.

We invite you to follow Tatau on our social media channels — LinkedIn and Twitter.




Tatau is a blockchain-based, distributed platform that allows anyone to buy and sell computational capacity on decentralized, GPU-based machines