Connections With Your Partner

Tatiana’s Essential Life Skills
2 min readJul 4, 2014

Most of us have discovered we need to have some sort of emotional connection to our partners to be completely be satisfied by sex. People seek long-term relationships to have ongoing connections that develop into deeper sharing, with sex being part of the total package. HOWEVER…..what most of us miss is, down the track we don’t realize that we somehow have started to depend on that person “to make me feel good”. Sex becomes part of that feel good feeling and is the last ‘to go’ when the other part of being with that person, is no longer as satisfying as it used to be. So we hold onto sex, but have lost the meaning behind why we felt good originally, and so continue to have sex, as part of the “unspoken relationship agreement” where we feel that we ‘just do it’ irrespective of feeling good or not…..something to think about…..unfortunately this is very unconscious….

Here are some TIPS on how to be able to have the ‘feel good feeling’ and stay empowered rather than depend on it from another person: This is the missing factor and its what the love songs are all about. I need you…i want you….it’s the connection with ourselves that we lose and “think” that by ‘getting it’ from the outside its going to somehow bring that love back. you don’t want to be dependent on someone as this gives them control over you in some way.

Solution: find something that you really look forward to doing on your own, can be anything, a sport or hobby, yoga, meet ups, but enjoy it participate look forward to it, you’ll see how your focus is not so attached to the partner in your life and the relationship will be healthier. They will need you more, the situation will reverse…

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Tatiana’s Essential Life Skills

Counselor, Therapist, Healer, Life Coach, Author. Expert in sexual health and sexual energy and how to use it in your daily life.