Weekly Recap #12

Tatsu Blog
Published in
3 min readNov 20, 2020
This week’s cover image

Since the beginning, we’ve wanted to be able to provide a constant stream of fun and interactive content for our players. With the launch of our first event we’ve gotten one step closer to this goal. Now that the event has come to a close, we’d like to thank everyone for participating! We’ve been busy cleaning up and are now preparing for the next major one: The Starlight Festival!

A great deal was learnt during the previous event and we’ll be bringing that experience with us.

Starlight Festival Event

A fancy starlit tree

A Different Focus

Last time, our event focused primarily on the global Tatsu community. This time the games and objectives will focus more on your server’s community.

WIP: A well known tale (maybe)

New Mechanics

Just like last event, we’ll be trying out some fun new mechanics and features that will be fine tuned for release as permanent features in the future.

We’re also deploying new image generation tech with the next event that will play a big part in future feature updates.

The event is currently going through quality assurance and hopefully by next week we’ll have a fully polished build ready before the release date!

Keep a lookout for the next post about the Starlight Festival event!

New Website

Thanks to everyone who provided feedback on our site over the past few months! We’ve got a bunch of changes we would like to implement, including full mobile support. We’re still at the design stage, but the design system for the website has been completed and we’ll probably start building it after the next event.

User Interface Overhaul

New mobile view for server rewards & economy settings

When evaluating our current website, we’ve highlighted two main areas of improvement for our user interface (UI). First, we want to achieve better consistency across the site so similar parts of the site work the same way. Secondly, we want to improve the readability of the site so that everything is easy to find.

Revamping the UI is an important step towards making the website a better platform for interacting with all Tatsu’s features and community interactions.

Store UI Revamp

Updated storefront with additional features and sorting

Our current store implementation is quite rudimentary, with basic categorization and search features. With the UI revamp we want to add new options to improve the shopping experience. Additional sorting, categorization, and search features should help players find and purchase items more easily.

Server Settings Updates

Server settings, now with proper mobile support

In order to make way for new server-based image generation features coming in the future, we’re also updating our server settings pages. With these changes, our goal is to make it faster and easier for server admins to find and manage these settings.

Thats all for this week’s recap! Follow us on Twitter or join our Discord for more updates!

