How to Find Out a Harmony Blockchain Transaction Result with Tatum C# SDK

Published in
3 min readDec 7, 2022

Blockchain transactions can be checked using the different protocols that can be used as search tools and the availability of information that can be referenced.

It is important to note the frequently used programming languages that make this possible among the numerous blockchain tools available. A protocol to this effect is included in C#, for example.

Let us learn how Tatum C# can validate Harmony transactions if you frequently use Harmony for ONE transaction. The examples below demonstrate how the transaction hash can be used to accomplish this.


Despite its widespread use, C# is used differently in blockchain development. While that is the case, Tatum will provide examples and guidelines to help you understand the process.

Note that more information about C# SDK can be found here on GitHub.

Obtaining Harmony transaction by Hash example:

Is C# not your cup of tea? Nothing to worry about! Harmony transactions can also be checked using Tatum’s API calls.

Tatum API Call

Provided you have an API key with us after creating an account, Tatum gives you some quick and easy API calls to get the transaction details.

Similarly to the C# method, the API call would allow you to look up a Harmony transaction by its Hash. Below is an example of such a process:

API call curl request example:

API call response example:

Note the status value in the response. “true” means that the transaction was successful, while “false” means that the EVM has reverted the transaction. There may be other values in the response that interest you, such as the value transferred, gas used, from and to, among others.

Blockchain Explorers

No matter what field you work in, information is key to making the right decision. As an up-and-coming blockchain technology enthusiast, operating a new and versatile system is even more challenging.

Without reliable data, it is impossible to obtain actionable information. Despite the popularity of blockchain development, sifting through general data in a blockchain platform as popular as Harmony would be nearly impossible without the right tool.

This is where Blockchain Explorers come in as software that helps you track and analyze blockchain data, such as average transaction fees, block sizes, block difficulties, etc., to determine your strategy.

Consider checking a transaction for one of the above examples using a hash. We don’t just say that; try it out yourself here.

Try putting in the hash of the transaction example and see how convenient it is to have such an explorer software do all the heavy lifting for you!

Try it out yourself!

Sign up with Tatum’s Free option to try out such transaction search API calls with C#, among others. There is nothing complicated about this process!



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Tatum is the fastest way to develop blockchain apps.