The TAU Bounty : The Proof-Of-Transaction Coin

Tau Coin
TAU Foundation


TAU creates a fair participation economy, where all users are involved in securing the network with their transaction history. To find out more about TAU, please read this.

What is the TAU Bounty Program?

Hello everybody! We’re excited to announce the start of our first bounty program! Our bounty is our way of rewarding those who help us grow in other ways, such as referring your friends, discussing us on social media, and assisting with TAU’s development.

Over the coming months, we invite you to participate in our campaigns and help spread the word about the TAU blockchain and Proof-Of-Transaction consensus mechanism. Currently, the Tau team have created four bounty categories which are specially designed to help bounty hunters earn their rewards quickly and easily.

A total of 800,000,000 (800M) Taucoins have been allocated to the bounty program. These will be distributed to all eligible participants over the coming months and will continue until the entire allocation has been allocated!

Why the TAU Bounty is Awesome!

We get it, you want to participate in a bounty and help spread the word, but are sick of waiting forever to get your rewards. Well, that’s a thing of the past… With the official TAU bounty, there’s no waiting around, your rewards will be deposited within just a few days! So, what are you waiting for?

Campaigns and Distribution

1. Visit Tau
Users will be rewarded with 1000 Tau for initially signing on with Facebook. Following this, simply log in to your wallet at least once per month to receive an additional 1000 Tau per month. On top of this, you can earn an additional 1,000 Tau for associating your e-mail with your account (once only).

2. Referring Tau
Want to refer your friends and family to Tau and be rewarded for it? Well, the referral bounty will be perfect for you. Simply generate your referral link via your web wallet, and share it wherever you like! Post it on your favorite forums, spread it through social media or even in your Youtube videos. Wherever you decide to spread it, each successful referral will net you 1000 Tau, and your friend 1500 Tau! Just imagine the amount of harvest power you can generate during the bounty!

In addition to this, you will receive 1,000 Tau when you first generate your referral link (with linked e-mail). All your referrals will automatically be added to your network.

If you would like to be a harvest club leader, please check out Github repo to get started.

3. Talking Tau
Are you active on social media and looking to get rewarded for discussing our project? Well, Talking Tau might be perfect for you. We provide 500 Tau for each valid post on social media, including Facebook, Twitter, Telegram, Instagram, Wechat and many more. To start earning, simply make a post discussing Tau, e.g. its Proof-Of-Transactions consensus or egalitarian distribution on your social media, copy the link or take a screenshot of the post and upload it to the Talking Tau uploader in your bounty menu, and you’ll receive 500 Tau for each confirmed post (up to 100,000 Tau maximum).

4. Building Tau
Are you looking to help build the future? Do you have a creative mind that thrives on solving tough challenges? Great, then you’re one of us. Help out with the development of Tau in whichever way you can, and be rewarded for it! Whether it’s helping to write content, editing the white paper, coding, translating or even adding Tau as an exchange trade pair, we’d love all the help we can get.

To get started with the Building Tau bounty, you can submit anything you consider productive as work, and participate in Tau missions in your bounty dashboard. The minimum reward for all Building Tau work is 10,000 Tau, with an incredible 1,000,000 Tau maximum!

If you have other fantastic ideas for promoting Tau, please suggest them in our telegram community.

“I can’t wait to get started, but how do I participate?!” — Anonymous Tau Enthusiast

How to Participate in the Bounty

The Tau bounty is automatically processed by our software, however all accounts will also be periodically reviewed manually prevent abuse of the system. The policy is subject to review and change by the foundation at any time.

  1. Register a wallet on, and then click on the bounty icon as shown
  2. On the next screen, select the bounty component you’re interested in.
  3. Complete the steps listed to earn some sweet Tau tokens.
  4. Repeat this as process as much as you like to keep earning tokens.

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Tau Coin
TAU Foundation

TAU creates a fair participation economy, where all users are involved in securing the network with their transaction history.