5 Privacy Benefits of DuckDuckGo

Tauria Team
Tauria Official Blog
2 min readMar 31, 2020

Let’s talk about security. Let’s talk about access. Finally, let’s talk about YOUR information. Google tracks your searches and saves every piece of information they find, which is disturbing. For those of you still deciding between other search engines here are 5 reasons why to leave Google behind for DuckDuckGo.

1. Hyper-Targeted Ads — You know those banners that follow you around a website to website wondering if you are going buy those headphones you searched for last month. This is how Google makes money off YOUR information and search habits. You might think you are immune to these ads; however, Google allows advertisers to run countless ads to find the right combination to finally trigger you to purchase said item.

2. Propaganda and Discrimination — Google shows you ads that try to influence your life and social values from your search habits. This allows Google to categorize people into groups to target and narrow down ads. Consequently, this encourages discrimination for example allowing advertisers to show jobs and housing to a certain demographic and not others.

3. Filter Bubble — In addition to discrimination, Google controls and manipulates your search results based on what you would click on and filters out the rest. This makes search results and advertisements tailored to you and only you.

4. Google SAVES Everything — Google keeps your search history, browsing history, purchasing history, and location history. Creating a profile of everything you do on the internet. Google is known to share this personal information with governments all across the world for surveillance purposes.

5. It’s Not Worth It — Google is one of the most profitable companies in the world all from unethically selling and exploiting your personal information to advertising companies and governments without any consequences.

There are better and more ethical alternatives that don’t violate your rights and privacy. DuckDuckGo believes in your right to search online without trackers and protecting your information from falling into other companies’ hands for their financial gain. You don’t have to settle for Google’s harmful practices and can protect yourself by getting the privacy you deserve online with DuckDuckGo’s private search engine that blocks advertising trackers.

