A New Wave of Cyber Attacks for a New Era of Work

Tauria Team
Tauria Official Blog
4 min readApr 22, 2020

Amid the digital era, technology has developed at a lightening pace. Meaning, the world is changing faster than it ever has throughout history.

As such, the way everybody lives their lives is changing as quickly.

One of the ways this rapid evolution is most evident is through the nature of work. More specifically, technology has given employers the systemic framework to say goodbye to the overhead costs associated with an office space.

In turn, they’ve embraced remote work.

COVID-19 and the Rise of Remote Work

Remote work has been growing steadily over the past decade.

But despite its growth in prevalence, remote work was still viewed as something for those with an alternative philosophy. The overwhelming majority of workplaces still had in-office operations at their forefront.

And then COVID-19 threw a wrench into what everyone deemed as ‘the norm.’

Suddenly, the bulk of the non-essential workforce has been forced to shift the entirety of their operational methods and philosophies to remote work.

Why Do Cybersecurity and Privacy Issues Stem from the Shift to Remote Work?

Before COVID-19 monumentally altered the nature of work, it’s not as though online privacy and security issues in the workplace didn’t exist.

For instance, in 2018 alone, hackers stole half a billion personal records.

There’s no way to sugar-coat it:

While there are viable cybersecurity solutions that keep organizations protected, aligning with the right provider isn’t always easy. Plus, hackers keep evolving their skillsets to meet and exceed the power of many protective measures.

In many instances, businesses have been up to the challenge, taking the time to maintain compliance standards that keep them protected from cyberthreats.

Sadly, right when those robust cybersecurity measures have been firmly put in place, everybody started working from home.

Suddenly, organizations and their collective workforces are up against a whole new multitude of cybersecurity and privacy-related challenges.

It’s impossible to adjust without overcoming a learning curve.

What are the Cybersecurity and Privacy Risks Involved with Remote Work?

First and foremost, remote work leaves organizations more vulnerable to data loss and privacy breaches.

First, the change to remote work will lead to hardware getting outright stolen.

Furthermore, employees will be equipped with devices that aren’t as well-protected because they’ll likely operate outside the umbrella of organizational cybersecurity.

Remote workers are also vulnerable due to their thirst for knowledge surrounding COVID-19. Hackers are doing the following to leverage this specific behavior:

  • They’re sending phishing emails under the false pretense of coming from health or medical organizations
  • To collect user’s personal information, hackers are posting malware-infested virus maps online

The last risk being discussed in this section is how financial security will be slackened due to the prevalence of remote work.

Executives being in an unfamiliar setting will place an obstacle in front of implementing existing financial controls that offset fraud risks. Such instances include collecting signatures to approve transactions and verifying instructions through in-person calls and meetings.

How Businesses Can Shift to Remote Work-Centric Cybersecurity Measures

With a tool like Tauria, comes the internal cybersecurity framework that’s designed to handle the risks in play with remote work.

All communications with Tauria are 100% secured. The platform offers encrypted messaging and collaboration features for organizations. All video conferences and chats will be completely private and secured.

Also, through Tauria, managing folders and files across an organization while sharing them (inside and outside the platform) can be done safely via secure link sharing.

Tauria also makes it possible to securely track and schedule events and meetings. It’s possible to access team members' calendars while overlaying them into a single view.

The nuts and bolts of the security lie in Tauria’s military-grade encryption. All a company’s messages, files, and events are encrypted in a zero-knowledge environment. Without needing any manner of expertise, only those who are using the product will be able to access company data.

Additional Facts About Tauria’s Encryption Standards

Throughout all Tauria mechanisms, 256-bit AES encryption is in place. This provides the maximum possible security standards for any business.

Also, all encryption keys are client-generated and secured by their passwords. Not a single key will be exposed to anyone else, including Tauria’s employees.

In a post-COVID world, all organizations must boost their security standards to deal with the heightened cybersecurity and privacy risks associated with remote work. By utilizing software such as Tauria, you’ll be well on your way to keeping your employees and customers safe from online threats.

