5 topics to discuss in the classroom

Vladyslav Yevstafiev
Published in
2 min readMar 28, 2021

The key to meaningful discussions is to establish a culture that values all voices in the room. The more opportunities we give for students to talk and listen to each other, the more engaged they are.

Here are 5 topic ideas you can discuss with your students in the class.

Ready, set, go!

1. is 💰. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

When we hear the phrase “time is money,” we still might miss the meaning of it. Time is a non-renewable resource, and children should know that from school days. Discuss with students why it’s necessary to respect your own time and that of others. And, what neglecting such a valuable resource can lead to.

2. Why is having values and beliefs important and how we form them?

Setting values can be a challenge for students. But understanding why they matter and learning how to discover them is a good starting point.

3. What is the best motivation to succeed?

The drive for success is inherent to any human being. It’s a desire to grow more, to reach more, and to make dreams come true. But what are the best motivators to succeed? Discuss this with your students and the answers may surprise you!

4. How to have a successful career without compromising family life?

It is sometimes that a successful career affects people’s personal life. But it is possible to have a balanced mix of both. Starting such a topic in any classroom sparks a meaningful discussion.

5. How can students improve their learning process?

Sometimes educators forget to ask student input to improve learning. No worries, we’re all super overworked! 😩 But this discussion helps teachers to understand students or get fresh ideas.

That’s it. We hope those ideas will help you in building real discussions in the classroom.

Stay safe!

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