9 ways how schools can improve their communication

Vladyslav Yevstafiev
Published in
3 min readFeb 26, 2021

Schools are always looking for new ways how to improve their communication. By creating a new culture of communication for all stakeholders, you can:

  • improve understanding between students, parents, and teachers;
  • improve school environment;
  • boost students’ engagement, increase attendance, and influence academic results.

1. Treat parents as partners

Parent engagement is essential in helping students reach academic success. Especially in elementary and middle school. Ensure that:

  • parents ask questions and can have a dialogue with the school;
  • parents know about the ways of direct communication with the teachers;
  • face-to-face communication with families takes place weekly or monthly.

2. Benefits of using communication apps

Apps like Taut are a perfect way to chat with colleagues and discuss a particular topic. And it’s even better for group work, student engagement in the classroom, and much more.

3. Keep all school’s social media updated

Social media is an important part of schools’ external communication. The more the school communicates, the more stakeholders it engages. Share ideas and best practices in communication, school accomplishments, and other success stories. It goes a long way in engaging the whole community!

4. Hold webinars

Teachers, students, and parents should be up to date at all times. There are great apps like Taut for that, but weekly webinars are also a perfect way to get them engaged.

5. Understand students’ needs

Educators must listen to students’ needs. After all, their goal is to help them succeed. So, be attentive, caring, and build relationships!

6. Let students share their opinions

It is one of the most powerful ways of building trustful communication. Sometimes students withdraw into themselves but it may lead to bigger problems. Instead, you need to delicately push students to share their opinion. And, you gotta use platforms where students feel secure and heard.

7. Reflection-based communication

Reflection days in the classroom strengthens the bond between teachers and students. It lets you unleash student potential and establish a safe space for them to share anything.

There’s one bonus here, you know. While one student reflects on a topic, other students also develop the ability to listen.

8. Consistency and structure

Choose one or two apps that teachers can use in their communication. It will help teachers and families to build consistent communication. Instead of using different channels where information gets lost, choose one.

The one app to rule them all.

Here’s a comparison of the best apps schools and classrooms can use for conversations.

9. Increase frequency

It is important to keep frequent contact with families. When the communication is constant then all stakeholders get into a habit of it. Remember, people are busy and can miss messages. So, over-communicate everything!

I hope this article will help you in improving communication in your school.

Stay safe!

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