Differences Between Vue 2 and Vue 3

TAV Technologies
Published in
3 min readNov 28, 2023

In the world of front-end development, Vue.js has become a popular choice. Vue.js is a user-friendly JavaScript framework widely used for developing modern web applications. However, the latest version of Vue.js, Vue 3, differs from Vue 2 by introducing significant updates and improvements. In this article, we’ll closely examine the key differences between Vue 2 and Vue 3.

Virtual DOM

The foundation of Vue.js lies in the Virtual DOM (Document Object Model) technology. In Vue 2, the Virtual DOM is seamlessly integrated into Vue.js’s event loop. However, in Vue 3, the Virtual DOM has been redesigned and made more efficient. In Vue 3, the Virtual DOM is processed faster and uses less memory. This significantly enhances performance and application response times.

Composition API

Vue 3 introduced the Composition API, one of its most notable features. The Composition API differs from the Options API in Vue 2 and makes your code more organized, maintainable, and reusable. In Vue 2, components are defined using options like data, methods, computed, and watch. In Vue 3, your code can be organized more functionally. The Composition API allows you to create smaller, more reusable, and customizable functions.

TypeScript Integration

Vue.js is a popular choice for projects using static type checking tools like TypeScript. In Vue 2, TypeScript integration was possible, but developers might have encountered some difficulties and issues. Vue 3 significantly improved TypeScript integration. When using TypeScript with Vue 3, you get better static type control and a smoother TypeScript experience.

Bundle Size

Bundle size is a crucial factor in large front-end projects. In Vue 2, various optimization techniques and plugins might be needed to reduce bundle size. However, in Vue 3, improvements such as an optimized matching algorithm and source code compression have significantly reduced bundle sizes. This results in smaller bundle sizes, faster loading times, and improved performance.


Vue 3 might pose compatibility issues for developers transitioning from Vue 2 projects. Vue 3 may drop some APIs or components, rename or alter others. Therefore, if you want to upgrade an existing Vue 2 project to Vue 3, you may encounter some compatibility issues. There is a detailed migration guide for Vue 3, and referring to this guide can provide guidance during the transition process.


In this article examining the key differences between Vue 2 and Vue 3, we’ve covered factors such as the redesigned Virtual DOM, the introduction of the Composition API, improved TypeScript integration, and smaller bundle sizes. These factors make Vue 3 a robust choice for front-end development. Despite the new features and improvements, transitioning existing projects from Vue 2 to Vue 3 may introduce compatibility issues. Therefore, careful planning and attention to compatibility issues are crucial if you are considering moving to Vue 3. Vue.js continues to maintain its popularity as a fast, powerful, and user-friendly framework, and with Vue 3, you can introduce more flexibility and performance into your development processes. For more information, refer to the Official Vue.js Documentation.

