Types & Purposses of Airport Passengers (3)

Esmanur Arpalı
3 min readDec 7, 2023


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We know that every passenger experiencing airport exhibits different ways. In my previous articles, I grouped and focused on the behaviors of regular and first-time traveling passengers and their experiences. In this article, I will address the third type of passenger, those who travel alone.

If you are getting curious let us move to the article immediately…

3. Solo Travelers

Solo travelers have become a common sight in airports worldwide, challenging the traditional notion of humans moving and living in groups. While colonization and communal living have long been integral to human history, the prevalence of solo travel prompts an exploration into the motivations behind this shift. Travelers embark on journeys for various reasons, ranging from familial excursions to trips with friends or colleagues. However, solo travel stands out as a distinct category, marked by an individual’s desire for independence and solitude. The choice to travel alone is often rooted in the psychological freedom that solo travelers experience. During these solitary journeys, individuals can escape external influences, immerse themselves in self-reflection, and tap into creativity, self-insight, and self-development.

As Bella DePaulo, author of “Singled Out,” notes, spending time alone contributes to relaxation and spiritual well-being (DePaulo, 2019).

When it comes to travel, particularly for those who choose solo vacations, the experience becomes an opportunity for temporary respite, purification, and mental clarity. Despite the perception of solo travel as a personal preference, there are instances where individuals find themselves journeying alone due to unplanned circumstances, such as business trips or emergencies. In both scenarios, the psychological state, thoughts, and behaviors of solo travelers may vary.

This research seeks to delve into the realm of solo travelers, specifically examining their attitudes and behaviors within airport settings. Netnography, a form of online ethnography, has shed light on the fact that solo travelers prioritize comfort and time efficiency compared to their group-travel counterparts. Notably, solo travelers experience fewer passenger-related issues during airport operations, except for technical challenges.

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The findings highlight that individuals who opt for solo travel engage in thorough internet research before reaching the airport, preparing themselves for unfamiliar situations and procedures. This preliminary preparation empowers solo travelers to navigate the airport independently, influencing their choices in terms of time spent, actions taken, walking speed, dietary preferences, shopping tendencies, and even restroom usage.
Despite solo travelers constituting a significant portion of airport passengers, they often blend into the crowd, overshadowed by group travelers. The study underscores the importance of understanding the behavior of solo travelers due to a lack of comprehensive information on their actions, their impact on airport systems, and the factors influencing their behavior.

As a result of this research, it becomes evident that solo travelers, who comprise a substantial customer base for airport operators and airline companies, have unique needs and preferences. Airports are adapting to accommodate these solo travelers by introducing amenities such as co-working spaces, catering to those traveling alone for business purposes. This shift in focus toward the behavior of solo travelers reflects the dynamic nature of contemporary travel patterns and the evolving expectations within airport environments.

Stay tuned for my upcoming articles :)

