Vue 3 and Vite: A Modern Front-End Development Experience

TAV Technologies
Published in
3 min readNov 28, 2023

As the world of front-end development rapidly advances, the Vue.js framework continues to evolve, offering new updates. Vue 3 is the latest version of this framework, featuring a series of updates that enhance performance, scalability, and the overall developer experience. On the other hand, Vite is a modern front-end development tool designed to quickly initiate Vue.js projects. In this article, you will gain introductory knowledge about Vue 3 and Vite.

What is Vue 3?

Vue is a user-friendly JavaScript framework widely used for developing modern web applications. Vue 3 is an enhanced version of the framework in terms of performance and scalability. In this version, the Virtual DOM has been redesigned and optimized for more efficient operation. Additionally, it introduces a new method called the Composition API, which makes your code more organized, maintainable, and reusable. Vue 3 has also improved TypeScript integration, allowing you to use static type checking in your projects.

What is Vite?

Vite is a build tool designed for working with modern JavaScript frameworks. Specifically created for Vue.js projects, Vite accelerates the developer experience. While traditional Vue projects run in two stages known as the Development Server and Production Server, Vite quickly initializes your project and focuses on development. Vite starts the development server instantly and runs your code directly in modern web browsers, providing an incredibly fast real-time reloading experience. This is a great tool for instantly seeing changes and speeding up your development process.

Advantages of Using Vue 3 and Vite

Performance: When Vue 3 and Vite are combined, you achieve top-tier performance in your projects. The optimized Virtual DOM of Vue 3 and the fast build process of Vite significantly enhance your application’s performance.

-Quick Start: Vite allows you to quickly initiate your Vue project. The development server starts instantly, and with the real-time reloading feature, you can swiftly see changes. This greatly accelerates your development process.

Composition API: One of the major features of Vue 3 is the Composition API. This API allows you to define code blocks consisting of different parts more effectively in Vue, making your code more reusable, maintainable, and readable.

TypeScript Integration: Vue 3 has improved TypeScript integration, providing developers with higher support for static type control. TypeScript helps reduce type errors in your projects and allows for quick debugging.

How to Get Started?

To start using Vue 3 and Vite, follow these steps:

1. First, install Vue 3 using the following terminal command:

npm install vue@next

2. Next, install Vite using the following command:

npm init vite@latest my-app

This command will create a Vite project named “my-app.”

3. After creating your project, navigate to the generated directory and run the following command to install the necessary dependencies:

npm install

4. Once you’ve installed the dependencies, use the following command to run your project:

npm run dev

This command will start the Vite development server.

5. Open your browser and go to “http://localhost:3000” to experience the fast initiation and real-time reloading features of Vue 3 and Vite.


Vue 3 and Vite form a fantastic duo for accelerating the modern front-end development experience and improving performance. While Vue 3 offers enhanced scalability, the Composition API, and TypeScript integration, Vite provides development process features like real-time reloading and fast initiation. In this article, you’ve gained introductory knowledge about Vue 3 and Vite. By applying what you’ve learned to your projects, you can start developing modern web applications. For more information, refer to the Official Vue.js Documentation and Offical Vite.js Documentation.

