A Whole New World: Hello!

Rachel Weintraub
Published in
2 min readDec 31, 2017

print (“Hello, World!”)

Often, the first sentence that novice coders learn to program is at once simple and profound. This seemingly short, three-word line of code actually represents a beacon of hope — both for our present success in TAVtech’s data science track as well as for our budding professional careers.

Before embarking on TAVtech, my perception of computer science majors was limited to childhood flashbacks of Wade from Kim Possible. He sits in a dark room! Whizzing through lines of green text on a chunky computer! Interacting with the show’s protagonists exclusively through a screen!

Wade from Kim Possible

My surface-level perception of programmers has since shifted from Wade’s cartoon stereotype to a more updated awareness of student engineers. A totally informal and biased ethnography of Duffield Hall, Cornell’s 24/7 Engineering Quad atrium, yields a college version: Bleary-eyed and frowning! Cocktails of coffee mixed with Red Bull! T-shirts and dad-jeans!

Duffield Hall, Cornell University

Now, having just scratched the surface of Python’s rich programming language, I see myself slowly deconstructing those preconceived notions. Instead of simply dismissing their work as mystifying nerd jargon, I see the nuts and bolts of their operations through my “Intro to Data Science” TAVtech course. And while I do not intend on switching my major to become a coding guru any time soon, I believe it’s important to gain a basic understanding of what their work entails. Technological innovation is disrupting nearly every industry, so I prefer to stay ahead of the curve and adapt, rather than remain in my comfort zone and become stale.

During my first week, I have identified different data types and variables, experimented with “IF” statements, and constructed “for” loops. What’s unique about TAVtech’s instruction is its emphasis on personalizing the coding experience. While the course meets as a 15-person group, each student is empowered to ask questions, share tips with peers, and program creatively.

TAVtech Fellows collaborating at Barclay’s MindSpace Accelerator Space in Tel-Aviv

I look forward to continue learning data science, practicing the radically innovative Israeli ethos which breeds Startup Nation, and of course, deconstructing stereotypes. And who knows? Maybe I’ll be the next latte-drinking, snarky-Tweeting, feminist Orthodox Jewish Wade.

print (“Until next time, World!”)



Rachel Weintraub
Writer for

for 280 character posts: follow me on Twitter @RachRachCity