TAVtech Takes Ancient Israel

Aya Abitbul
Published in
2 min readDec 25, 2017

This past weekend was extremely exciting, our first of the 2017–18 TAVtech semester! After settling into Tel Aviv, we shot off to tour Israel’s must-see sights. Together we roamed through the ancient streets of the Old City, reached the top of the historic Masada Mountain, and bobbed in the Dead Sea, a blue crystal expanse in a desert unchanged for over 2000 years.

TAVtech fellows overlooking the Old City of Jerusalem

As we explored each wonder, fellows learned more about the historic cultures of the Jewish, Christian, Arabian, and ancient Roman communities and kingdoms that ruled the land. We toured through the groundbreaking innovations each community led in their respective times, from King Herod’s advanced military fortress on Masada to the intricate detail of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.

It may seem initially quite ironic, perehaps, that as we embark on studying the greatest wonders of the future — from big data science to cyber security — our first weekend was spent discovering the ancient relics of the past.

Fellows Evgeny and Janae entering Shenkar College, a leading innovator of engineering and design

But this contrast of old and new demonstrates what a special place this tiny country is, and each fellow’s part in helping to shape its booming future as countless communities in this land have before. We hope TAVtech will lead them in the their first step.

Looking forward,

Aya Abitbul

