Welcome TAVtech 2017–2018 Fellows!

Aya Abitbul
Published in
1 min readDec 25, 2017

Congratulations to all the accepted fellows from this year’s class! We are excited to announce that we had over five hundred applicants for this year’s fellowship program, and are bringing in a class of seventy-seven.

TAVtech fellows on their first day of orientation

Our students this year come from twenty-four schools around the world. Our most represented colleges are Harvard and NYU, followed by Brown, Cornell, UC Berkeley, and MIT. Our fellows are also geographically diverse, with students from Moscow, Singapore, Buenos Aires, New York, and Durban. We are particularly pleased with our class gender makeup of 57% women, a rare breakdown in the male-dominated programming and tech space.

TAVtech COO Marcos Galante and CEO Phil Hayes leading TAVtech orientation

In terms of concentration interest, our students were more or less evenly distributed among big data, web and iOS app coding, artificial intelligence, and cybersecurity. As each of these fields are booming in Israel, fellows will have the opportunity to hear from thought leaders at TAVtech speaker events.

Looking forward to the 2017–18 semester!

