Tax Heaven has launched! — 🏝️Heaven is here.

Baby Angel👼
Tax Heaven
Published in
2 min readDec 10, 2020

💪Mr F was here. 🏝️Heaven is here.

Go to Apps:

Tax Heaven on Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain have successfully launched today🚀

What you can do starting today

Users have access to almost all functions that were announced in our previous blog post:

  • Deposit collateral and borrow (compatible with whitelistedERC20/BEP20 tokens)
  • Generate TAX tokens. Deposit whitelisted tokens and receive TAX on the spot.
  • Stake the TAX token.
  • TAX/ETH Uniswap Liquidity Mining, TAX-BSC/BNB Pancake Swap Liquidity Mining
  • Governance (changes to the whitelist and Oracle, Allocation of the Incentive Fund (LP Rewards))

Start using the platform before the tax period ends!

It’s that time of season again.

No, we’re not talking about holiday seasons.

We’re talking about tax planning season!

You probably have an idea of how much gains you made during the year and are probably thinking about selling some crypto to generate some fiat currencies so that you can pay the tax bill.

Tax Heaven offers a better alternative.

Instead of selling crypto and realizing gains, you can deposit the crypto into Tax Heaven as collateral and take out a loan in the same crypto.

Because this is a loan, you should be able to sell the crypto without triggering any taxable events.

Why pay more taxes, to pay taxes?

Tax Heaven is the solution.

By the way, with the successful launch of ETH2 the other day, many service providers, including Binance and Coinbase, are coming out with Staking Bonds.

This is something that we think will generate a lot of heat in early Q1 of 2021.

Did you know you can use Tax Heaven to swap into Staking Bonds without triggering taxable events?!

We’ll be covering this more in the new year!

Caution: Tax Heaven on Ethereum and Tax Heaven on Binance Smart Chain are completely different protocols and operate separately and independently of one another. The TAX-BSC token on Binance Smart Chain and the TAX token on Ethereum are also completely different tokens. They reside on different blockchains and have no compatibility.

Code directory

Contracts that have been deployed and the respective addresses (published to and


Tax Token Contract: 0xB6A439237b6705DF8f6cD8e285A41c1e9a8a6A95

Lending Contract: 0x9043d140FC5b1b6EEf5A11357d80211C422FAb83

Staking Contract: 0xA383C8390aDbCd387DB93BabdF3F30308391Bd57

Governance Contract: 0xe904e50514C5EF0f4C15C9BA44D358eD38f5a024

Uniswap🦄-LP Token Staking Contract: 0x337aa0334EeF264a62ea6AF101fCdf2AEC6761Cf

Binance Smart Chain

Tax Token Contract: 0xEcAeC5352Cfb49565C1Fd82377614707F71a8a65

Lending Contract: 0x2961E261Ea2e0c62BcfBAabf0F89304A245250a4

Staking Contract: 0x04d7242667C3883E35E1b6d0A2b793CF5fA4C509

Governance Contract: 0xe44D557A1f8B53fe06C9c937A3A2d4f36774769e

PancakeSwap🥞-LP Token Staking Contract: 0x7be3CD7c01cb450ABcFC5aeA74a2B50849BcD79d

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Don’t miss out on any updates by following our twitter account! @Taxheaven_loan

The gatekeepers also have an account: @BabyAngel_Gate

DM us if you have any inquiries or messages

