Hacking with Taxa at ETHBoston

The Taxa Team
Taxa Network
Published in
2 min readFeb 5, 2020

On Sep 6–8, 2019 at Harvard University, Team Taxa joined ETHBoston, the first ETHGlobal hackthon in the Boston area, with other leading Web 3 protocols.

Taxa Co-founder TF Guo spoke at the opening ceremony, and gave a tech talk, Taxa Network: Build Web 3 Applications in a layered Blockchain Architecture.

Team Taxa had the opportunity to meet with over 400 hackers from all over the world, and very much enjoyed exploring exciting use cases with you all.

Congratulations to the four teams on winning the Taxa API prize for their ready-to-go dApps built with Taxa’s privacy-preserving, computationally-powerful, highly-developable, blockchain agnostic smart contract engine.

  • ETHTorrent used Taxa to match BT source providers and takers in a decentralized, secure, and privacy-preserving way;
  • SweepStake used Taxa to allow money stake money on a multi-player game of prisoner’s dilemma;
  • Fancy Lobster Auction used Taxa’s trusted execution technology to develop a decentralized auction house;
  • BankShare used Taxa to set up lending offers of a private wealth storage platform without disclosing the depth or number of the offers.

We are hiring!

Engineers, marketers, and ops — please get in touch: https://apply.workable.com/taxanetwork/.

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The Taxa Team
Taxa Network

Performance, Privacy & Usability for Every Blockchain