Taxa Mainnet Alpha Released

The Taxa Team
Taxa Network
Published in
2 min readSep 1, 2020

Dear Community,

We are pleased to announce the alpha release of Taxa Mainnet.

Taxa Mainnet is a TEE-enabled decentralized infrastructure that allows everyone to easily build and run interactive Web 3 applications with confidentiality and performance, and welcomes everyone to contribute compute power with TEE-enabled devices. Learn more:


With Taxa Mainnet, developers are offered opportunities of developing blockchain applications with the functions and performance comparable to those of internet services. For example, asymmetric info game applications, big data / machine learning applications, fintech applications, etc.

The Alpha Mainnet release includes the following updates:

Pyxa: A Special Subset of Python Optimized for Security and Developer Experience

Pyxa is the default Python runtime inside Taxa Node’s TEE module (Taxa Core). The latest Pyxa module has integrated with our latest ECDSA module, allowing users to generate signatures with the secp256k1 standard that can later be verified on EVM based smart contract systems, allowing cross-chain transaction authorization. The ECDSA module will have further updates in the V0.6 main net. We have also conducted some syntax optimizations during the devnet’s running.

Taxa Core: The Core TEE-based tServices Interpreter Module

Taxa Core launches the hardware enclave module, allowing users to attest the trusted environment, establish secured connection with the enclave, and execute the tServices in a built-in Python interpreter environment — Pyxa. We have improved the stability and session management algorithm since the Taxa Devnet version.

Taxa Client Python SDK: A Client-side Python Library That Facilitates Easy Development of End-user Applications

Taxa Client Python SDK hides the complexity of protocols behind, supporting features like attestation with enclaves, key management, and request/response communications between dApps and Taxa Network. We packed the P2P network protocol used by Taxa in the Taxa SDK.


Taxa Mainnet welcomes everyone to contribute their compute power with TEE-enabled devices to host privacy preserving, high performance tServices. A beta program for miners is scheduled to be announced in September. Please stay tuned.

Till next time,

Team Taxa

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The Taxa Team
Taxa Network

Performance, Privacy & Usability for Every Blockchain