Taxa Monthly Highlights for June 2021

The Taxa Team
Taxa Network
Published in
2 min readJul 22, 2021

Greetings Community,

Below please find the monthly highlights for June.


Taxa Attended Privacy-Preserving Computing Essential

Taxa attended the online seminar Privacy-Preserving Computing Essential hosted by Blocklike with peer projects including Eigen Network, Secret Network, Evanesco, zCloak Network, Auth3 Network and ZKCHAOS.

TF introduced Taxa Network as a privacy-preserving, high-performance, developer-friendly, blockchain agnostic platform of trusted services. Taxa provides new possibilities for Web3 applications, such as NFT auction, asymmetric info games, coin mixers, wallet management, identity authorization, and collaborative computation.



  • Added eth-sign() feature in Pyxa-Ethereum, which generates the ECDSA signatures (v, r and s) that are fully compatible with ecrecover(), allowing recovering the signer’s ETH address and verifying the legality of any messages from Taxa Network on Ethereum.

Taxa Nodes:

  • Developed and tested the OSX version of user node (taxa-client);
  • Developed and submitted the Azure applications solution template offers;
  • Removed HTTPS based Node APIs for better compatibility of accessing tServices from browsers, where Taxa nodes would remain anonymous and permissionless, and the integrity and confidentiality of the network traffic would rely on the end-to-end encryption of the remote attestation protocol;

Taxa Web3 SDK:

  • Packed the OSX version into the new Web3 SDK.

Taxa P2P Modules:

  • Added service manager for the P2P module and Node API services that automatically seek neighbor nodes and connect to Taxa Network in case of a service disruption.

Developer Online Office Hours:

To help developers to get started with Taxa, we now started to host online office hours every Friday 11am-12pm PST. Our tech team members will provide tech support and answer tech related questions.


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Team Taxa



The Taxa Team
Taxa Network

Performance, Privacy & Usability for Every Blockchain