Taxa Monthly Highlights for March 2020

The Taxa Team
Taxa Network
Published in
2 min readApr 2, 2020

Dear Community,

Hope you are staying safe and healthy. Despite the pandemic, Team Taxa is working hard on the upcoming Taxa Devnet release. Here come our monthly highlights for March 2020.


Taxa Devnet Release & Token Program:

Dear Developers — Taxa Devnet is expected to come in April. With Taxa Devnet, Client SDK and Pyxa Framework, you will be able to build privacy-preserving, high-performance Web3.0 applications in a straightforward and easy way.

Supported use cases including but not limited to:

You’re invited to join the Taxa Token Program to receive early access to:

  • Taxa Devnet: Taxa trustless service infrastructure;
  • Taxa Pyxa Framework: the runtime engine for tService, a TEE (Trusted Execution Environment)-enabled Python interpreter environment with a built-in service development framework and ready-to-use 3rd party libraries;
  • Taxa Client SDK;

As well as:

  • Token grant for participation and contribution;
  • Opportunity to strengthen and extend the Taxa codebase;
  • Public recognition in the community.

👉 Join Taxa’s Discord to get started:


Local events are currently on hold due to the safety measures amid the COVID-19 pandemic.


Taxa Core:

  • Improved sharing mechanism of session file and code file in the Devnet;
  • Fixed miscellaneous bugs.

tService Engine:

  • Tested new crypto-related libraries and migrated them to the Pyxa framework;
  • Implemented the new exception reporting and handling mechanism on the Python level;
  • Updated documentation for new libraries and code references.

Taxa P2P Network:

  • Conducted a test run of the upcoming Devnet.


We’ve added 2 new members to our engineering team in March.

We continue to hire capable minds in research, engineering, operations, and communication to actualize Taxa’s vision together.

Please check out our openings:

Stay safe and strong,

Team Taxa

Connect with us: Website | Twitter | Discord| Telegram | Meetup



The Taxa Team
Taxa Network

Performance, Privacy & Usability for Every Blockchain