Taxa Monthly Highlights for November 2019

The Taxa Team
Taxa Network
Published in
3 min readDec 6, 2019

Happy December everyone. Here come Taxa’s monthly updates on ecosystem building, technology development, and community resources for November 2019.

Past Events:

ETHWaterloo, Nov 8–10, Waterloo, Canada

Team Taxa joined ETHWaterloo, the flagship event of ETHGlobal in 2019, with other leading blockchain projects and judges including Vitalik Buterin of Ethereum, Min Teo of ConsenSys, Jeff Coleman of L4, etc. We supported hackers from all over the world to use Taxa’s privacy-preserving, computationally-powerful, highly-developable, blockchain agnostic smart contract engine to build ready-to-go dApps.

Taxa AMA on Blockchain Privacy, Nov 28, China

We did an AMA on Blockchain Privacy Solutions: Layer 1 vs. Layer 2 with OneBlock+, CypherJump, and Confidential Computing Lab to the blockchain developer community in China.

In the AMA session, our co-founder TF Guo answered how the definition and solutions of privacy on Layer 1 differ from those on Layer 2, and how Taxa helps enable real-world use cases with blockchain agnostic TEE-enabled infrastructure. TF also answered the question regarding Taxa’s roadmap. “Design thinking is at the foundation of Taxa Network. Through interviews with organizations in blockchain, cloud computing, big data, fin-tech, and studies on the technology trends, we formed our understanding about what’s needed in the evolving technology landscape. So far we’ve completed the core R&D, formed strategic partnerships with Layer 1 projects such as Harmony and Cocos-BCX, closely collaborated with ETHGlobal on hackathons, and allowed private test accesses to some dApp developers. Via the private release, we’ve seen innovative applications in fin-tech, gaming, big data, etc, which proved our understanding about what’s needed in the evolving technology landscape, and also became a source of inspiration for our future development. Taxa will be made available to the broader scope of developers in early 2020”, said TF.

We will share the full script of the AMA session in a separate post.


Taxa Core:

  • Implemented the quick deployment solution on public clouds;
  • Further optimized the implementation of user-node attestation protocol;
  • Improved stabilization and fixed miscellaneous bugs.

Smart Contract Engine:

  • Fixed compatibility issues on several 3rd party libraries with the Python runtime.

On-chain Smart Contract:

  • Upgraded the Taxa Token smart contract with the latest compiler version and security related libraries.


You’re invited to join our developer community on Discord.

Please follow our community resources and ask us any questions:

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The Taxa Team
Taxa Network

Performance, Privacy & Usability for Every Blockchain