Taxa Monthly Highlights for November 2021

The Taxa Team
Taxa Network
Published in
2 min readDec 23, 2021

Greetings Community,

Below please find the monthly highlights for November.



  • Updated eth_sign() function in Pyxa-ECDSA. Now its output becomes (hash, v, r, s) the message hash as well. Developers could use it for easier verifications with Solidity.

Taxa SDK:

  • Developed the demo game: Multiplayer Black Jack, an interactive, privacy preserving Web3 service. Releasing on blog and developer docs soon!
  • Developed a card game template, allowing developers to easier develop turn-based card games using Taxa tServices.
  • Researched and fixed a flaw on random number generation module on the OSX version.


  • Implemented a new version system to easier update and roll-back different modules (taxa-core, Pyxa, node API service, P2P service etc) on Taxa Nodes.
  • Public mainnet’s mining mechanism and miner fee module in testing.


Taxa Developer Grant Program:

We are pleased to introduce the Taxa Developer Grant Program. The goal of the Program is to grow the Taxa ecosystem, foster a dynamic Taxa developer community, and encourage creative applications built with the Taxa platform.

The Program consists of multiple phases so as to help developers to kick start their development journey with Taxa, and by accomplishing the challenges of each phase developers shall earn their chances to receive the award granted by Taxa.

Phase I aims at helping developers kick start with the first step of developing with Taxa: set up the development environment, and communicate with tServices. Each winner will receive 7,000 TXT, until the total award pool of Phase I is all consumed.

Read more about how to participate here.

About Taxa

Taxa Network is a privacy-preserving, computationally powerful, blockchain agnostic middleware infrastructure. Designed with a layered architecture philosophy, and built with cutting edge trusted execution environment (TEE) technologies, Taxa aims at enabling the Web 3.0 apps to develop and thrive. With Taxa, developers are able to unlock whole new possibilities in privacy-centric, data-intensive or computation-heavy scenarios in DeFi, NFT, gaming, AI/Machine Learning, etc.

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The Taxa Team
Taxa Network

Performance, Privacy & Usability for Every Blockchain