Journey to become an iOS Developer

Giorgi Sandroshvili
TBC Engineering
5 min readFeb 12, 2021


Mathematics has been a big part of my life since childhood. Like all children, I had a chosen field that helped me to spend time more interestingly and productively. However, as I got older, math became more essential to me than a hobby. Consequently, when the time came to choose a profession, I preferred activities related to mathematics, such as business, physics, mathematics, and computer science, CS became my final choice above all as it was quite tempting and there is a high demand on the market.

Like other school children, I had high expectations for the university. Expectations are mostly a source of frustration, which has led to my demotivation. Added to this, there were unsuccessful attempts in various fields. In my opinion, the thing that students lack the most is faith. My advice is to believe in oneself, belief in the future, and after every failure, something will indeed appear that will make your mind pump again. This feeling was aroused in me by TBC IT Academy, which offered employment to successful students. This step came into my career right after I got rejected for the tester position in a different company. This employment perspective motivated me to take more sustainable and rapid steps towards an already chosen direction so that I could cope with the challenges as well. There were moments of struggle in the academy, while I had a hard time dealing with the difficulties, but it became a friend that led me to the googling skills and friendships with gold mines like Medium and StackOverflow. It brought me back to the stage that there was a great success in dealing with those challenges.

It is also worth mentioning that expectations towards the university, at the initial stage, caused disappointments in me as well. In general, Students, for the most part, think that a university is a place where they will gain in-depth technical knowledge, which in our reality, is mostly an illusion. However, I can't entirely agree with the approach that the University is worthless. I believe that it generates the skills that are strictly connected to your careers, such as leadership, communication skills, and teamwork. Those skills are quite difficult to attain in terms of self-learn.

Being a developer is not just about sitting at a laptop all the time and writing codes. The developer needs to write good code and be a pleasant communicator. Moreover, they should be an integral part of the team, an enthusiast of the challenge, and a motivator of those around them.

The first stages of the job were exciting. When I got to the job, I expected that they would give me some direct assignments, and I was a little scared by that fact. The reality turned out to be completely different. The preparatory phase also started from the beginning, which strengthened the foundations and better involvement in the project. Involvement in the project is not just a code. It is a relationship with team members, which takes some time to refine. At first, the barrier created an inner mood that my colleagues would be bothered by a lot of questions, and I thought I would cope with those questions with my answers. However, after some time and observation, it became clear that I had to ask as many questions as I could think of and more because it all gives you more results in professional development and, at the same time, helps you to communicate with team members. Communication has not been an easy stage either. Added to this is the fact that very soon after starting work, the team went remote due to a pandemic, which, to some extent, prevented me from getting to know my colleagues better. However, with more communication and many questions, it became possible to refine a few points. The most important part at work is still your role as a junior developer. It is nice to be in a team where you are not considered a junior or intern. You are considered as a full-fledged member of the team, whose goal should be both personal and team overall success. With a little experience, but with budding ideas, you can contribute to the team’s progress. Progress does not have to be expressed in stellar code to increase efficiency. You can help the team be more motivated and cohesive with communication skills or other personal qualities as well.

What does self-confidence mean, and when do you become self-confident? It depends on several factors. There are people in this field who try to write code but lack self-confidence, which is largely due to the underestimation of their labor. From a technical point of view, it is credible to deal with small tasks at an early stage. After two days of thinking, correcting a one-word bug, which gives you the mindset that no matter how difficult or impossible the technical level may seem to us, we can still overcome all of this. It may take a long time, but nothing is impossible. As for highly professional self-confidence, I still think it has to do with pay. In many cases, it is necessary to reflect the work done in the appropriate amount, which gives the individual the feeling that he is already a professional and his work is valuable.

You are probably wondering what could be the source of inspiration to become a developer. We all love it when even the smallest detail makes us feel special. I see this charge in development as well. The mathematical excitement and feeling that you can make a huge impact on a lot of people, given the number of device users, make you feel particularly special and eager to do so.

With teamwork, you can create a mechanism that could not work as well while individuals working. One of the most important components of this is healthy feedback, during which each member of the team grows and develops. I would like to recall my case when I discovered flaws in the scheme that was designed for me. I openly told the team members about the fact that this course was less tailored for me, and then we chose a more suitable course that could not have happened without healthy feedback.

