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Tomorrow’s Breaking Delivery: Insider Product Reviews from the Near Future
Note from the editor

The #fakenews product review is a variant of an old tradition in product management — the fake press release. When planning a new product, service or feature, some product managers write the press release before doing anything else. It helps focus on the value proposition and primes the pump for telling a story people can believe in. But the press release can set a salesy tone. It can fool the mind into believing the story too much, and that can lead to confirmation bias when testing assumptions. The press release form also leaves little room for laying on detail about the experience. A #fakenews product review keeps the focus on value, like the fake press release. But the voice of the imaginary reviewer can lead to a wider spectrum of insights by expressing what they liked and didn’t like about the experience. Think TechCrunch, VentureBeat or Consumer Reports, but on things that don’t exist yet. Once in the habit of writing these for actual planned products, it’s fun to imagine products one has no plans to build. TBD Insider is a space for that.

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John Wolpert
Product Executive, Speaker and Author of The Two But Rule | jwolpert.com
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Jimmie Lenz
Perennial student, engaged teacher, and passionate practitioner of innovation as a solution.
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Nils Davis
Product management, green building, using language better in politics.
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