MSMF TBI Start-up Cohort Inauguration

Nikita Sharma
Published in
5 min readMay 8, 2021


MSMF TBI team in partnership has been working steadfast to ensure a new batch of start-ups are inaugurated. Post the new BiONEST facility’s inauguration at the Narayana Health City on Dec 15, 2020, we waited for the right time to move in residents to our facility.

The teams at MSMF and Villgro ran a campaign to call for applications for the BioNest Programme and the annual event iPitch starting September 2020. Below are the highlights of the effort:

  • Received 264 applications from various healthtech start-ups
  • The first round of screening shortlisted to 52 start-ups
  • The second round shortlist 25 start-ups and conducted virtual pitch sessions — close to 15 mentors participated in the effort, including business, clinicians, and scientist mentors
  • The final batch of six was selected for the incubation program

The event was attended by senior management of MSMF, clinician mentors, senior doctors, and entrepreneurs. The session aimed at the entrepreneurs demonstrating their innovations to the attendees and interact with the guests to receive valuable inputs and suggestions from the fraternity.

All the cohort companies attended the session, and their brief introduction is shared below with details of the clinician and scientist mentors who will be handholding these enterprises for success. These enterprises receive access to the state-of0the-art facility with modern labs, access to expert clinicians and mentors, and access to the hospital ecosystem.

Start-up name: Tutle

TUTLE is a career advisor that presents career choice, guidance, and learning resources to prepare for an ideal life-science job. The platform hosts over 1000+ online courses & multiple job opportunities. The team consists of leaders with a background in the healthcare & pharma sector.

Clinical mentor: Dr. Sharat Damodar / Dr Paul Salins

Scientist mentor: Dr. Manjula Das

Start-up name: Morpho

It is India’s first hyperthermia cancer treatment system design and manufacturing company. The company designs highly innovative cancer treatment machines and an Artificial Intelligence-driven treatment plan at affordable cost saving the millions of people who have cancer.

Clinical mentor: Dr. Saurabha Kumar

Scientist mentor: Dr. Amritha Suresh

Start-up name: Teralumen

It is the first Terahertz company in India that is developing cost-effective medical devices for breast cancer margin detection using Machine Learning on Terahertz measurement. It enables the doctor to remove the cancerous tissue during Breast Conservation Surgery efficiently.

Clinical mentor: Dr. Vivek Shetty

Scientist mentor: Dr. Amritha Suresh

Start-up name: Thermaissance

The company uses nanotechnology to create various smart textiles that inactivate 99.99% enveloped viruses (including coronavirus) in less than an hour and gram-positive or negative bacteria. The technology used is extremely stable, non-toxic, non-water soluble, non-leaching even after 60 commercial washes

Scientist mentor: Dr. Manjula Das

Start-up name: Fastsense

The company is developing a non-invasive, multianalyte, portable diagnostic device that can detect sepsis at any location within 30 mins by providing data about specific sepsis markers & timely treatment that would save precious lives of the babies-future of our country.

Clinical mentor: Dr. Lavanya Kiran / Dr. Arjun Alva

Scientist mentor: Dr. Manjula Das

Start-up name: Greenle Life Sciences

It is a commercial biobank that has created a unique network of partner hospitals and laboratories to collect tumour samples. Till date, the company has around 1000 samples curated after a thorough quality check.

Clinical mentor: Dr. Rekha P R

Scientist mentor: Dr. Amritha Suresh

Start-up name: SIAMAF Healthcare

The company is developing Magnetic Nanotechnology for radiation-free affordable & accessible cancer screening, diagnosis & treatment. MafPro uses a detection system based on magnetic rather than radiation, making it a simple, safe, and cost-effective method for diagnosing cancer staging.

Clinical mentor: Dr. Vidyabhushan / Dr. Vivek Shetty

Scientist mentor: Dr. Amritha Suresh

Start-up name: Oxyliv

The company has built a portable oxygen titration therapy device that would be used in low resource settings, patient transport, and general wards. This device has zero cost blenders replaced by a microcontroller-based user interface and an inbuilt air supply and power back up to work without any infrastructure dependence

Clinical mentor: Dr. Arjun Alva

Start-up name: Mestastop

The company aims to become the metastasis specialists by creating a world-class R&D focused on metastasis. It has successfully created an in vitro platform consisting of fourteen functional cell-based assays that phenotypically represent the summative metastasis process.

Clinical mentor: Dr. Vijay Pillai / Dr. Vivek Shetty

Scientist mentor: Dr. Manjula Das / Dr. Amritha Suresh

The day-long interaction with doctors, medical practitioners, experts, and start-up mentors helped start-ups receive valuable inputs for their innovations and business models. The initiative aims to help the entrepreneurs shape their plans and products for success in the coming months.

