The future of work is hybrid

tb.lx insider
Published in
3 min readAug 24, 2021

A practical guide to hybrid work by tb.lx

If you’ve been on the internet this year, reading news or scrolling through social media, there is a big chance you have come across the term “hybrid work”. Is this just another buzzword? Or is it something we should look into?

Photo by Domenico Loia on Unsplash

Over the course of 2020 and this year, we have been trying out different work approaches that simultaneously accommodate reality (i.e. lockdowns, office space limitations, etc) and make our employees happy. After remote-mandatory, and then remote-first, we now officially transitioned to a hybrid working model.

What is hybrid work?

Hybrid Work means working from where you work best: the office, your home, or any place in the world - as long as it has stable internet connection.

“But that’s just like remote work, right?” No. The philosophy behind the Hybrid Working Model at tb.lx is that we trust our employees with finding their own best way to balance work and personal needs. The Hybrid Working Model means flexibility. We provide an office space for face-to-face interactions for those who prefer to meet, work and connect in person. At the same time, we are aligned with the remote-first mentality, which means that all of our processes and culture are built to support remote workers. For example, if we have a meeting and one person is not in the office, everyone dials in though their own device. Our workplace is no longer just in the office — it’s wherever we are. Whether we are working from the office, from home, from a nice spot we found in the city, or a mix of all of them.

To make things easier for companies that are still figuring out the right way to approach work in the post-pandemic period, we compiled all of our learnings and guidelines, as well as best practices from the industry in The Transition Guide to Hybrid Work.

Available for download here

What will I find in this guide?

In this document you will find a reflection on our work culture pre-pandemic and during the pandemic, our principles behind hybrid work, the culture it takes to get there, as well as the competitive advantage it will give you in the job market. And then, we deep dive into practical tips on how to make the switch, ending with myths about hybrid work, and several additional resources you can learn from.

How can I use the guide?

The guide can be used as an informative document or even a workbook for you and your teams, if you are planning to move towards a hybrid approach.

Hybrid is the future of work

And if you’re still not sure if this is the right working model for you, let data guide your decision. Slack’s Remote Employee Experience Index states that “only 12% of knowledge workers say they intend to return to working exclusively from an office, while an overwhelming 72% want a combination of office and remote work”.

If you’re especially interested in these insights, jump to page 13.

Are you convinced yet?

Then check out our Transition Guide to Hybrid Work and start implementing the things that make sense in your company’s reality!

Reach out to us if you have any questions, share with your coworkers and friends, and let us know in the comments how hybrid works for you.



tb.lx insider

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