TBS Person of The Year: Amine Litim
The king of memes.
We all love memes.
Until recently, TBS didn’t come to mind when you’re thinking of memes. Sure, there was the occasional meme on the generational groups we got to giggle at. You probably went through many situations at school where you stop and tell yourself “Damn, this would be a good meme”. But for the most part, TBS didn’t feel meme-y.
Not anymore, not after Amine brought real memes to TBS. You turned this into an art man! A collective activity all TBSers get to indulge in.
You created a platform for TBSers to joke around together. We used to express frustration and anger, now we can laugh at our shared misery. The Memes Club serves as a reminder not to take things too seriously, to laugh at the face of life’s many obstacles.
Today, TBSers look forward to the next batch of memes to laugh at. They look for the humour in their day to turn into a meme they can share on the group. This has effectively turned into an engine of ideas, leveraging the collective minds of all TBSers to bring forth the best memes out there.
My friend, you’ve unleashed the creative potential of your colleagues.
You’ve always been a fun fellow. It only follows that someone with your knack for humour creates the school’s memes club. Your creation is indisputably the highlight of this year. Thank you for making the TBS experience even better.
Below, a highlight of the best memes so far.